Best Heat Lap/Time for NOVICE:
Luke Kowalski with 21/5:10.69
-- NOVICE - A Main --
Pos Car Laps time name
1 2 22 5:13.17 Jake Bedell
2 3 21 5:12.41 Shayna Miele
3 1 19 5:00.68 Luke Kowalski
4 9 18 5:02.64 Dallas Johnson
5 8 17 5:18.49 Wilson Velez
6 4 17 5:18.68 Anna Filardi
7 6 16 5:24.63 Mikey Weigand
8 0 15 5:05.74 Matt Russo
9 7 10 5:07.97 Luke Negrin
10 5 4 1:05.94 Tyler Colfax
Car-> __1__ __2__ __3__ __4__ __5__ __6__ __7__ __8__ __9__ __0__
1 2/12.5 1/11.3 3/12.7 6/20.8 4/13.6 5/19.5 7/22.3 8/22.8 9/23.2
2 2/14.3 1/13.6 4/18.2 6/ 3/14.4 0/28.4 5/ 7/ 8/ 9/
3 2/16.2 1/14.7 3/14.5 6/21.8 4/21.6 9/16.5 7/24.1 5/18.8 8/21.8 0/21.8
4 2/14.2 1/13.4 3/13.1 7/20.0 4/16.2 9/19.3 0/ 5/16.6 6/14.1 8/17.8
5 2/13.8 1/13.4 3/14.6 7/18.7 4/ 9/ 0/33.1 6/22.7 5/18.7 8/
6 2/14.1 1/17.6 3/13.0 6/14.1 7/ 8/27.3 0/17.6 5/14.7 4/15.9 9/30.9
7 2/13.0 1/13.5 3/12.6 6/ 7/ 8/ 0/ 4/14.8 5/ 9/
8 3/18.0 1/13.7 2/13.2 6/ 9/ 7/20.3 0/ 4/ 5/19.4 8/18.9
9 3/15.1 1/14.0 2/17.4 7/35.8 0/ 6/18.5 9/34.7 5/20.0 4/15.3 8/22.3
10 3/13.9 1/13.7 2/12.9 7/15.5 0/ 6/13.9 9/ 5/18.6 4/13.6 8/
11 3/13.7 1/13.7 2/14.0 6/14.2 0/ 7/ 9/35.0 5/ 4/13.8 8/21.2
12 3/ 1/13.7 2/14.2 6/18.5 0/ 8/31.9 9/ 5/18.6 4/13.6 7/17.5
13 3/24.6 1/13.8 2/13.0 6/ 0/ 8/ 9/29.2 5/19.5 4/13.7 7/14.2
14 3/17.1 1/13.6 2/17.4 6/15.1 0/ 8/17.9 9/ 5/17.9 4/13.6 7/13.7
15 3/20.6 1/16.1 2/14.9 6/14.7 0/ 8/15.3 9/ 5/ 4/16.3 7/
16 3/ 1/13.9 2/ 5/14.1 0/ 7/13.0 9/ 6/21.4 4/ 8/
17 3/17.6 1/14.1 2/23.4 6/26.7 0/ 7/22.1 9/48.3 5/20.8 4/25.5 8/42.8
18 3/15.7 1/13.8 2/14.0 6/16.1 0/ 7/16.2 9/ 5/16.0 4/14.3 8/13.4
19 3/16.6 1/18.7 2/20.9 6/14.4 0/ 7/20.2 9/28.0 5/15.8 4/14.6 8/18.3
20 3/14.6 1/13.9 2/12.8 6/16.8 0/ 7/14.3 9/ 5/15.1 4/20.8 8/14.1
21 3/13.9 1/14.0 2/12.3 6/ 0/ 7/ 9/38.0 5/ 4/13.8 8/14.9
22 3/ 1/14.1 2/12.4 6/20.5 0/ 7/28.7 9/ 5/24.0 4/ 8/
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
laps 19 22 21 17 4 16 10 17 18 15
time 300.6 313.1 312.4 318.6 65.9 324.6 307.9 318.4 302.6 305.7
The form of the reconstructed race lap times is position/lap time
The blank lap time is when the car was lapped
-- NOVICE - B Main --
Pos Car Laps time name
1 2 18 5:00.65 Dallas Johnson
2 1 17 5:17.26 Matt Russo
3 4 7 4:45.93 Adam Hazzel
-- 3 --- DNS --- Bryan Stefans
Car-> __1__ __2__ __3__ __4__ __5__ __6__ __7__ __8__ __9__ __0__
1 1/17.7 2/19.3
2 1/16.9 2/18.0 3/48.7
3 1/16.7 2/16.1 3/
4 2/18.5 1/15.2 3/23.2
5 2/14.5 1/15.2 3/
6 2/19.8 1/14.9 3/37.4
7 2/13.5 1/15.2 3/
8 2/ 1/16.8 3/
9 2/39.2 1/21.3 3/57.6
10 2/14.2 1/15.3 3/
11 2/14.0 1/14.6 3/26.6
12 2/18.0 1/14.2 3/16.6
13 2/14.2 1/14.2 3/
14 2/15.0 1/14.3 3/
15 2/21.1 1/14.1 3/
16 2/20.6 1/16.0 3/
17 2/23.9 1/23.5 3/75.6
18 2/18.5 1/21.3 3/
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
laps 17 18 7
time 317.2 300.6 285.9
The form of the reconstructed race lap times is position/lap time
The blank lap time is when the car was lapped
Best Heat Lap/Time for 1/10 TRUCK OFFROAD:
Mark Stern with 11/5:18.68
-- 1/10 TRUCK OFFROAD - A Main --
Pos Car Laps time name
1 1 11 5:22.53 Mark Stern
2 4 10 5:04.49 Wayne Miele
3 0 10 5:13.15 Matt Stefans
4 3 9 5:12.29 Aaron Schies
5 2 9 5:14.23 Mike Ebby
6 5 9 5:24.59 Lucas Hamson
7 6 7 5:03.84 Wilson Velez
8 8 7 5:21.52 Alex Velazquez
9 7 7 5:43.83 Paul Negrin
10 9 5 5:13.49 Steve Cross
Car-> __1__ __2__ __3__ __4__ __5__ __6__ __7__ __8__ __9__ __0__
1 1/28.7 2/31.4 5/39.6 3/32.8 6/42.2 7/43.8 8/46.7 4/37.9
2 1/27.6 4/37.8 5/31.3 2/27.7 6/33.9 7/33.1 8/ 9/57.1 0/66.9 3/27.4
3 1/27.7 5/31.5 4/28.8 2/28.7 6/33.3 7/35.5 8/51.4 9/41.9 0/ 3/28.4
4 1/32.4 5/41.1 4/33.1 2/28.3 6/34.2 7/ 8/ 9/ 0/61.4 3/25.7
5 1/27.8 5/30.3 4/32.5 2/29.2 6/ 7/58.0 9/59.0 8/56.2 0/ 3/28.2
6 2/31.5 5/ 4/29.6 3/29.3 6/45.3 7/ 9/44.1 8/20.3 0/70.4 1/27.0
7 2/30.0 5/46.0 4/36.5 3/31.1 6/31.8 7/44.3 9/ 8/49.8 0/ 1/26.8
8 1/28.2 5/29.3 4/ 3/28.9 6/34.1 7/44.1 9/42.9 8/ 0/62.2 2/34.1
9 1/27.7 5/29.3 4/44.8 3/27.3 6/33.1 7/ 9/46.0 8/41.3 0/ 2/27.6
10 1/29.7 5/37.2 4/35.6 2/40.6 6/ 7/44.6 9/ 8/54.7 0/52.4 3/49.5
11 1/30.6 5/ 4/ 2/ 6/36.2 7/ 9/53.5 8/ 0/ 3/
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
laps 11 9 9 10 9 7 7 7 5 10
time 322.5 314.2 312.2 304.4 324.5 303.8 343.8 321.5 313.4 313.1
The form of the reconstructed race lap times is position/lap time
The blank lap time is when the car was lapped
-- 1/10 TRUCK OFFROAD - B Main --
Pos Car Laps time name
1 1 1 0:20.28 Steve Cross
2 4 1 0:30.41 Matt Stefans
-- 3 --- DNS --- Kyle Exley
-- 2 --- DNS --- Tom Piersanti
Car-> __1__ __2__ __3__ __4__ __5__ __6__ __7__ __8__ __9__ __0__
1 1/20.2 2/30.4
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
laps 1 1
time 20.2 30.4
The form of the reconstructed race lap times is position/lap time
The blank lap time is when the car was lapped
Best Heat Lap/Time for SLASH SPEC OVAL:
Mark Stern with 23/5:07.87
-- SLASH SPEC OVAL - A Main --
Pos Car Laps time name
1 2 24 5:10.08 Steve Fromosky
2 1 23 5:11.08 Mark Stern
3 3 23 5:11.75 Ray Schwerdtfeger
4 4 21 5:08.09 Dave Stefans
5 0 21 5:11.35 Amanda Miele
6 6 21 5:13.49 Tom Piersanti
7 8 20 5:01.76 Rick Filardi
8 5 20 5:05.63 Matt Wood
9 9 13 3:22.28 Brandon Kuralt
Car-> __1__ __2__ __3__ __4__ __5__ __6__ __7__ __8__ __9__ __0__
1 1/12.4 2/12.5 3/13.1 7/20.6 6/19.6 5/16.0 4/15.1
2 4/15.8 1/12.3 2/12.3 9/32.9 8/26.3 6/14.9 7/ 5/13.0 3/12.6
3 3/13.4 2/13.3 1/12.4 9/12.6 8/12.9 6/14.1 7/18.6 5/19.5 4/18.5
4 3/13.5 2/15.5 1/12.4 9/13.7 8/19.3 6/ 7/16.2 5/13.3 4/13.9
5 3/12.5 2/12.1 1/12.4 9/12.7 8/12.9 6/14.2 7/15.8 5/12.5 4/12.8
6 3/12.8 2/12.1 1/12.2 9/12.9 8/13.2 6/14.3 7/12.3 5/12.2 4/12.6
7 3/12.3 2/12.3 1/12.2 7/13.2 9/ 6/12.5 8/ 5/ 4/
8 3/12.9 2/13.7 1/15.6 7/12.6 9/23.8 6/14.2 8/21.5 5/18.0 4/17.4
9 3/13.0 2/12.1 1/12.6 7/12.6 9/13.3 6/15.1 8/12.5 5/13.8 4/13.1
10 3/12.5 2/12.5 1/12.5 6/13.2 9/13.1 7/16.7 8/12.5 5/16.8 4/15.3
11 2/16.7 1/12.3 3/22.9 5/13.6 9/ 6/14.4 8/17.9 7/ 4/16.1
12 2/12.9 1/12.1 3/15.6 4/13.7 9/21.0 5/13.8 8/15.2 7/20.8 6/
13 2/12.5 1/13.6 3/ 4/13.0 9/16.4 5/13.3 8/12.9 6/15.7 7/25.6
14 2/13.3 1/12.0 3/12.8 4/12.5 9/13.6 5/ 8/12.5 6/12.6 7/13.2
15 2/ 1/12.4 3/13.1 4/12.6 9/13.3 5/15.4 7/12.5 8/17.5 6/13.4
16 2/18.8 1/12.6 3/16.6 4/ 9/13.1 5/13.3 7/12.9 8/ 6/12.8
17 2/13.1 1/17.3 3/12.6 7/26.5 8/13.7 4/12.0 6/12.6 9/ 5/12.9
18 2/12.6 1/12.5 3/12.2 5/13.5 8/13.5 4/12.4 7/ 9/ 6/17.5
19 2/13.5 1/12.4 3/13.9 5/13.3 8/13.0 4/13.7 7/25.4 9/ 6/13.7
20 2/12.8 1/12.3 3/12.9 5/13.2 8/13.1 4/22.5 7/12.3 9/ 6/12.9
21 2/12.5 1/12.1 3/12.8 5/12.7 8/13.1 4/13.1 7/12.5 9/ 6/12.3
22 2/13.3 1/12.5 3/12.6 4/13.1 8/13.1 5/ 7/12.6 9/ 6/
23 2/13.9 1/14.3 3/12.7 4/13.1 8/13.1 6/17.2 7/12.3 9/ 5/15.8
24 2/12.9 1/12.2 3/12.2 4/ 8/ 6/14.7 7/ 9/ 5/12.7
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
laps 23 24 23 21 20 21 20 13 21
time 311.0 310.0 311.7 308.0 305.6 313.4 301.7 202.2 311.3
The form of the reconstructed race lap times is position/lap time
The blank lap time is when the car was lapped
-- SLASH SPEC OVAL - B Main --
Pos Car Laps time name
1 4 22 5:16.63 Brandon Kuralt
2 3 21 5:17.48 Amanda Miele
3 1 19 5:02.17 Anna Filardi
4 6 19 5:16.62 Terry M.
5 2 15 5:06.46 Tyler M.
-- 5 --- DNS --- Bryan Stefans
-- 7 --- DNS --- Kyle Exley
Car-> __1__ __2__ __3__ __4__ __5__ __6__ __7__ __8__ __9__ __0__
1 3/17.7 1/13.3 2/16.0 4/18.8
2 3/15.2 1/12.5 2/12.5 4/17.6
3 5/51.0 3/15.5 2/17.2 1/12.3 4/15.6
4 5/14.4 3/14.5 2/18.4 1/12.7 4/13.7
5 5/12.4 3/13.9 2/12.5 1/14.5 4/13.1
6 5/13.3 3/ 2/12.3 1/12.9 4/
7 5/13.0 3/19.7 2/12.2 1/14.5 4/20.1
8 5/12.6 4/ 2/17.3 1/16.7 3/15.0
9 5/16.5 4/31.2 2/14.9 1/12.0 3/18.1
10 5/16.1 4/13.6 1/12.3 2/21.5 3/14.3
11 4/16.4 5/27.6 1/14.6 2/15.8 3/14.2
12 4/13.5 5/ 1/14.9 2/12.1 3/14.2
13 4/12.4 5/17.9 2/16.3 1/12.6 3/14.7
14 4/14.9 5/22.4 2/13.1 1/15.3 3/13.8
15 4/12.5 5/ 2/12.3 1/12.3 3/22.4
16 4/14.9 5/26.4 2/17.5 1/15.9 3/14.1
17 4/12.4 5/ 2/20.7 1/13.0 3/13.7
18 4/13.3 5/24.4 2/12.8 1/13.3 3/14.4
19 4/13.9 5/16.2 2/ 1/12.4 3/
20 3/15.0 5/ 2/19.2 1/15.7 4/28.7
21 3/12.9 5/29.2 2/13.3 1/13.6 4/19.3
22 3/ 5/ 2/18.7 1/18.1 4/
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
laps 19 15 21 22 19
time 302.1 306.4 317.4 316.6 316.6
The form of the reconstructed race lap times is position/lap time
The blank lap time is when the car was lapped
Best Heat Lap/Time for MOD. SHORT COURSE:
Mark Stern with 12/5:21.64
-- MOD. SHORT COURSE - A Main --
Pos Car Laps time name
1 3 12 5:08.06 J.T. Moss
2 5 12 5:17.21 Toby Hamson
3 1 11 5:00.11 Mark Stern
4 8 11 5:07.26 Nick Malinoski
5 6 11 5:13.08 Steve Fromosky
6 7 11 5:16.50 Nick Delcampo
7 0 11 5:19.66 Alvin Chueng
8 4 8 3:53.87 Derek Zuidema
9 2 3 1:41.00 Gary Kosits
10 9 1 0:32.24 Adam Zuidema
Car-> __1__ __2__ __3__ __4__ __5__ __6__ __7__ __8__ __9__ __0__
1 3/31.5 0/39.7 1/26.9 7/32.9 4/31.7 6/32.7 8/33.4 2/30.9 5/32.2 9/34.7
2 4/27.5 9/27.7 1/24.9 8/32.1 3/25.7 6/29.2 5/27.6 2/26.1 0/ 7/28.1
3 3/26.5 9/33.4 1/25.5 7/29.7 2/25.4 4/26.0 6/28.9 5/31.5 0/ 8/33.0
4 3/25.9 9/ 1/24.9 7/25.0 2/25.3 5/30.1 6/29.6 4/28.6 0/ 8/30.9
5 3/26.3 9/ 1/25.6 7/29.1 2/25.4 5/25.9 6/28.0 4/26.0 0/ 8/
6 3/26.7 9/ 1/25.9 7/25.6 2/25.5 4/26.2 6/26.1 5/28.6 0/ 8/30.5
7 3/27.3 9/ 1/26.8 6/25.5 2/25.5 4/25.8 7/27.0 5/24.9 0/ 8/25.3
8 3/27.2 9/ 1/25.2 7/ 2/25.1 5/28.7 6/27.0 4/25.9 0/ 8/30.0
9 3/26.5 9/ 1/25.1 7/33.6 2/27.2 5/28.0 6/26.1 4/26.7 0/ 8/27.1
10 3/26.7 9/ 1/25.7 8/ 2/27.8 4/26.3 6/26.3 5/30.6 0/ 7/26.7
11 3/27.4 9/ 1/25.1 8/ 2/25.6 5/ 6/ 4/27.1 0/ 7/26.3
12 3/ 9/ 1/26.0 8/ 2/26.3 5/33.6 6/35.9 4/ 0/ 7/26.5
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
laps 11 3 12 8 12 11 11 11 1 11
time 300.1 100.9 308.0 233.8 317.2 313.0 316.5 307.2 32.2 319.6
The form of the reconstructed race lap times is position/lap time
The blank lap time is when the car was lapped
-- MOD. SHORT COURSE - B Main --
Pos Car Laps time name
1 8 12 5:25.17 Adam Zuidema
2 1 11 5:14.69 Alvin Chueng
3 2 11 5:17.21 Randy Chiapetta
4 5 11 5:25.05 Stingray
5 4 10 5:04.57 Bob Foley
6 3 10 5:13.05 Chris Hargaadon
7 9 10 5:15.87 Tony Russo
8 0 10 5:19.92 Howie Bedell
9 6 10 5:28.87 Joshua Boyce
10 7 9 5:11.26 Jake Bedell
Car-> __1__ __2__ __3__ __4__ __5__ __6__ __7__ __8__ __9__ __0__
1 8/41.6 2/33.7 9/43.7 4/34.7 7/41.6 6/40.9 5/39.8 1/30.4 3/34.4 0/48.4
2 5/27.2 2/26.4 0/33.5 3/27.4 8/29.3 6/28.4 7/30.5 1/25.8 4/32.1 9/28.2
3 4/27.5 2/27.6 9/29.3 3/28.2 6/30.3 7/33.5 0/38.6 1/26.9 5/31.7 8/27.1
4 3/26.1 2/27.2 9/ 4/36.4 5/28.3 6/27.7 0/ 1/26.5 7/34.6 8/31.4
5 3/25.5 2/31.2 9/32.5 4/29.1 5/27.9 6/33.2 0/34.8 1/27.6 7/ 8/
6 3/26.3 2/27.3 9/28.9 4/28.7 5/28.6 6/ 0/29.9 1/27.2 7/31.9 8/30.4
7 2/26.2 3/28.5 8/28.8 4/27.0 5/26.5 7/32.3 0/33.9 1/26.0 6/30.6 9/32.2
8 2/29.8 3/30.8 7/30.3 5/31.3 4/28.2 8/35.8 0/ 1/25.8 6/30.4 9/37.8
9 2/29.2 3/30.9 6/27.5 5/ 4/26.8 9/32.8 0/36.4 1/27.0 7/29.9 8/28.7
10 2/26.6 3/26.3 6/30.2 5/32.3 4/ 9/ 0/32.3 1/26.3 7/30.1 8/26.9
11 2/28.2 3/26.8 6/27.9 5/28.9 4/28.1 9/34.1 0/34.4 1/25.8 7/29.7 8/28.5
12 2/ 3/ 6/ 5/ 4/29.0 9/29.8 0/ 1/29.2 7/ 8/
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
laps 11 11 10 10 11 10 9 12 10 10
time 314.6 317.2 313.0 304.5 325.0 328.8 311.2 325.1 315.8 319.9
The form of the reconstructed race lap times is position/lap time
The blank lap time is when the car was lapped
-- MOD. SHORT COURSE - C Main --
Pos Car Laps time name
1 3 10 5:05.33 Tony Russo
2 4 10 5:07.80 Howie Bedell
3 5 10 5:09.93 Paul Boyce
4 2 10 5:16.55 Damon Bechtel
5 6 9 5:19.85 Richard Lutzky
6 7 9 5:20.39 Dale Stone
7 8 9 5:33.72 Paul Negrin
8 1 2 1:16.75 Mike Ebby
Car-> __1__ __2__ __3__ __4__ __5__ __6__ __7__ __8__ __9__ __0__
1 6/42.3 7/44.2 1/31.2 3/36.5 2/33.6 4/37.3 5/39.7 8/48.8
2 5/34.4 4/31.8 1/29.1 3/30.0 2/29.3 7/41.2 6/37.0 8/
3 1/ 4.2 5/28.9 3/30.6 4/30.5 2/27.2 7/32.1 6/31.7 8/32.7
4 7/ 4/30.4 2/30.9 3/29.6 1/28.4 5/30.8 6/36.4 8/35.4
5 8/ 4/29.0 3/34.3 2/28.9 1/27.9 6/ 5/33.1 7/30.1
6 8/ 4/29.4 3/33.6 2/28.4 1/36.7 7/43.0 5/ 6/35.5
7 8/ 4/31.8 3/29.7 1/28.3 2/32.3 6/33.3 5/34.6 7/36.9
8 8/ 4/29.3 3/28.4 1/27.8 2/28.6 6/32.3 5/34.7 7/34.7
9 8/ 4/30.7 3/27.8 1/32.0 2/28.5 6/36.8 5/32.0 7/39.7
10 8/ 4/30.4 1/29.2 2/35.3 3/36.9 5/32.4 6/40.7 7/39.4
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
laps 3 10 10 10 10 9 9 9
time 80.9 316.5 305.3 307.8 309.9 319.8 320.3 333.7
The form of the reconstructed race lap times is position/lap time
The blank lap time is when the car was lapped
Best Heat Lap/Time for 1/10 BUGGY OFFROAD:
Daniel Schies with 10/5:04.40
-- 1/10 BUGGY OFFROAD - A Main --
Pos Car Laps time name
1 3 10 5:06.57 Mark Stern
2 1 10 5:19.90 Daniel Schies
3 0 10 5:29.11 Tom Piersanti
4 6 10 5:35.85 Nick Delcampo
5 5 9 5:03.33 Brian Carey
6 4 9 5:10.28 Brian Peterson JR.
7 9 9 5:11.84 Aaron Schies
8 2 9 5:19.50 Adam Zuidema
9 8 9 5:23.04 Derek Zuidema
10 7 6 3:38.91 Steve Fromosky
Car-> __1__ __2__ __3__ __4__ __5__ __6__ __7__ __8__ __9__ __0__
1 1/38.5 6/42.4 2/38.6 9/45.9 3/39.3 7/44.3 0/49.8 5/39.6 8/44.4 4/39.5
2 3/32.1 4/30.9 1/29.4 8/33.8 2/31.2 9/38.6 0/34.0 5/34.4 6/30.1 7/36.4
3 1/31.5 3/29.4 2/34.4 8/30.4 7/38.7 9/28.2 0/36.3 6/34.2 5/32.5 4/30.7
4 2/29.4 3/30.9 1/28.0 9/35.1 6/31.2 5/28.3 0/36.0 7/32.7 8/35.6 4/31.4
5 2/29.0 3/28.9 1/28.5 8/36.1 6/30.5 5/28.0 0/30.5 9/42.3 7/32.2 4/28.5
6 2/30.7 3/32.8 1/29.0 8/28.8 6/29.5 5/30.5 0/ 9/33.1 7/33.7 4/29.3
7 2/30.5 6/41.7 1/30.4 8/30.9 5/29.3 3/29.5 0/32.1 9/ 7/30.0 4/32.6
8 2/32.0 6/29.8 1/28.2 8/34.4 5/36.7 3/28.9 0/ 9/36.1 7/31.5 4/32.2
9 2/34.9 6/ 1/29.3 8/ 5/36.4 4/38.5 0/ 9/39.5 7/ 3/31.4
10 2/30.8 8/52.2 1/30.2 6/34.4 5/ 4/40.5 0/ 9/30.7 7/41.3 3/36.4
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
laps 10 9 10 9 9 10 6 9 9 10
time 319.9 319.4 306.5 310.2 303.3 335.8 218.9 323.0 311.8 329.1
The form of the reconstructed race lap times is position/lap time
The blank lap time is when the car was lapped
-- 1/10 BUGGY OFFROAD - B Main --
Pos Car Laps time name
1 2 11 5:25.46 Aaron Schies
2 1 10 5:20.84 Tom Piersanti
3 5 10 5:31.71 Annie Schies
4 6 9 5:11.31 Tom Bell
5 8 9 5:15.54 Ryan Jacobs
6 7 9 5:29.43 Brian Peterson SR.
7 3 3 2:32.52 Gary Kosits
8 4 2 1:14.56 Randy Chiapetta
Car-> __1__ __2__ __3__ __4__ __5__ __6__ __7__ __8__ __9__ __0__
1 3/36.9 1/32.1 7/46.7 6/43.2 5/40.7 8/49.2 4/40.0 2/34.3
2 3/31.9 1/29.8 8/ 5/31.2 6/34.9 7/32.9 4/31.0 2/32.4
3 2/32.6 1/30.2 8/72.8 7/ 4/32.3 6/31.8 5/40.3 3/37.2
4 2/30.5 1/27.9 8/ 7/ 3/30.4 5/32.1 6/35.2 4/37.8
5 2/30.1 1/29.3 7/32.9 8/ 3/37.5 5/ 6/ 4/34.4
6 2/30.7 1/29.7 7/ 8/ 3/29.4 6/38.9 5/34.8 4/32.0
7 2/30.9 1/29.2 7/ 8/ 3/30.0 5/31.1 6/36.3 4/
8 2/30.5 1/29.2 7/ 8/ 3/29.2 5/31.4 6/41.3 4/35.6
9 2/33.1 1/28.7 7/ 8/ 3/ 4/32.5 6/33.3 5/37.7
10 2/33.2 1/28.4 7/ 8/ 3/35.0 4/30.9 6/ 5/33.7
11 2/ 1/30.3 7/ 8/ 3/31.9 4/ 6/36.7 5/
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
laps 10 11 3 2 10 9 9 9
time 320.8 325.4 152.5 74.5 331.7 311.3 329.4 315.5
The form of the reconstructed race lap times is position/lap time
The blank lap time is when the car was lapped
Best Heat Lap/Time for 4WD MOD OFFROAD:
J.T. Moss with 11/5:09.10
-- 4WD MOD OFFROAD - A Main --
Pos Car Laps time name
1 1 12 5:24.30 J.T. Moss
2 3 10 5:08.68 Mike Ebby
3 7 10 5:12.40 Toby Hamson
4 4 10 5:26.15 Annie Schies
5 6 9 5:03.12 Ray Schwerdtfeger
6 8 9 5:06.15 Dave Gallagher
7 9 9 5:06.49 Paul Liberatore
8 5 9 5:12.14 Dale Stone
9 0 8 5:14.47 John Weinand
10 2 3 1:27.25 Derek Zuidema
Car-> __1__ __2__ __3__ __4__ __5__ __6__ __7__ __8__ __9__ __0__
1 1/27.0 4/32.7 7/36.3 3/31.9 6/36.1 8/40.2 5/34.2 2/28.9 0/45.8 9/41.0
2 1/26.4 2/28.1 5/32.0 7/40.3 6/33.9 8/32.5 4/31.5 3/34.0 9/33.1 0/38.6
3 1/29.7 2/26.4 5/30.2 7/29.9 6/29.5 8/33.0 4/32.0 3/31.3 0/ 9/29.2
4 1/25.9 7/ 4/31.5 6/30.0 5/30.9 8/ 3/27.6 2/28.4 0/34.9 9/
5 1/24.8 0/ 5/31.1 4/28.8 6/ 7/31.5 2/31.3 3/38.3 8/26.5 9/33.8
6 1/31.4 0/ 4/29.6 5/ 6/35.8 9/39.3 2/30.9 3/28.7 7/28.7 8/33.9
7 1/25.8 0/ 4/ 5/34.2 7/38.1 8/29.4 2/26.2 3/29.3 6/34.2 9/
8 1/30.6 0/ 4/31.3 5/34.3 8/39.8 6/36.2 2/29.2 3/ 7/40.9 9/53.9
9 1/25.4 0/ 3/26.7 4/32.4 8/ 5/31.3 2/ 6/ 7/ 9/38.8
10 1/26.7 0/ 2/29.5 4/31.5 7/32.2 5/ 3/39.6 8/58.3 6/31.5 9/
11 1/25.5 0/ 2/30.1 4/ 8/35.3 5/29.2 3/29.5 6/28.5 7/30.4 9/44.9
12 1/24.5 0/ 2/ 4/32.3 8/ 5/ 3/ 6/ 7/ 9/
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
laps 12 3 10 10 9 9 10 9 9 8
time 324.2 87.2 308.6 326.1 312.1 303.1 312.3 306.1 306.4 314.4
The form of the reconstructed race lap times is position/lap time
The blank lap time is when the car was lapped
Best Heat Lap/Time for EDM OVAL:
Brian Carey with 29/5:04.77
-- EDM OVAL - A Main --
Pos Car Laps time name
1 4 29 5:04.22 Stingray
2 1 28 5:19.01 Brian Carey
3 5 27 5:01.61 Ray Schwerdtfeger
4 2 27 5:03.57 Brian Peterson SR.
5 9 27 5:08.91 Randy Chiapetta
6 7 27 5:10.11 Mark Stern
7 8 25 5:08.17 Tom Piersanti
8 3 24 4:31.88 Nick Delcampo
9 6 24 5:20.88 Brian Peterson JR.
Car-> __1__ __2__ __3__ __4__ __5__ __6__ __7__ __8__ __9__ __0__
1 1/10.7 9/14.9 6/12.4 2/10.9 3/11.4 8/14.6 5/12.3 7/13.7 4/11.9
2 1/10.2 9/14.4 6/10.7 2/10.2 3/10.7 7/11.4 4/10.4 8/12.7 5/11.0
3 1/10.2 9/10.5 6/10.9 2/10.3 3/10.6 7/10.9 5/11.0 8/11.0 4/10.8
4 1/10.2 9/10.4 6/11.0 2/10.2 3/10.9 7/10.8 4/10.9 8/10.5 5/11.1
5 2/10.9 8/10.5 9/16.7 1/10.2 3/11.2 7/12.2 4/12.7 6/11.8 5/14.7
6 3/14.6 6/10.5 7/10.2 1/10.2 2/11.4 5/10.8 8/ 9/ 4/10.8
7 3/10.8 5/10.5 7/ 1/10.2 2/10.6 6/ 9/21.3 8/16.1 4/10.7
8 3/11.6 5/11.0 6/11.0 1/10.3 2/11.7 9/ 7/11.0 8/14.9 4/10.7
9 3/10.7 5/10.5 6/10.4 1/10.3 2/10.9 9/24.1 7/11.1 8/10.9 4/10.9
10 2/10.1 5/ 6/10.4 1/10.1 3/10.6 9/10.7 7/10.3 8/10.7 4/
11 2/10.3 5/10.4 6/10.3 1/10.0 3/10.8 9/10.8 7/10.2 8/10.5 4/10.7
12 2/10.6 6/12.0 5/10.3 1/10.3 3/10.6 9/10.8 7/10.6 8/10.5 4/11.0
13 2/11.0 6/10.3 4/10.4 1/10.1 3/10.6 9/10.8 7/10.3 8/10.3 5/10.8
14 2/10.4 6/10.5 4/10.3 1/11.0 3/10.7 9/11.0 7/10.7 8/ 5/10.8
15 2/10.3 5/10.5 4/10.6 1/10.4 3/11.3 9/10.8 7/10.7 8/12.8 6/10.9
16 2/10.9 5/13.5 4/10.3 1/10.2 3/10.9 9/11.0 7/10.5 8/10.8 6/14.7
17 2/10.3 4/11.3 5/15.9 1/10.2 3/ 8/10.8 7/10.7 9/ 6/10.8
18 2/10.7 4/10.7 5/13.0 1/10.5 3/11.2 8/ 6/10.8 9/20.4 7/
19 2/12.1 4/10.5 5/10.4 1/10.3 3/11.3 9/20.3 6/11.0 8/10.7 7/16.0
20 2/ 4/10.5 5/10.2 1/10.5 3/10.7 9/10.8 6/ 8/11.2 7/10.9
21 2/13.2 4/12.5 5/10.5 1/10.8 3/14.9 9/12.6 7/14.0 8/15.6 6/11.2
22 2/10.2 4/11.2 5/11.4 1/10.1 3/11.0 8/10.9 7/11.5 9/12.7 6/10.9
23 2/10.3 4/12.5 5/12.7 1/10.3 3/11.0 9/14.7 7/10.6 8/10.9 6/10.7
24 2/10.9 4/10.6 5/10.6 1/13.1 3/10.9 9/ 7/11.3 8/10.5 6/11.0
25 2/11.0 4/10.7 5/10.2 1/10.9 3/10.8 9/21.0 7/11.3 8/10.7 6/11.1
26 2/10.6 4/10.6 5/ 1/10.5 3/10.8 9/ 7/10.6 8/ 6/10.9
27 2/10.5 4/10.4 7/ 1/10.2 3/10.8 9/12.8 6/10.5 8/13.4 5/10.6
28 2/10.6 4/10.6 7/ 1/10.1 3/11.8 9/11.0 6/10.9 8/11.3 5/11.0
29 2/23.7 4/ 8/ 1/10.2 3/ 9/24.1 6/11.5 7/12.3 5/11.0
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
laps 28 27 24 29 27 24 27 25 27
time 319.0 303.5 271.8 304.2 301.6 320.8 310.1 308.1 308.9
The form of the reconstructed race lap times is position/lap time
The blank lap time is when the car was lapped
Best Heat Lap/Time for 1/8 BUGGY NITRO:
Stephen Foley with 12/5:02.43
-- 1/8 BUGGY NITRO - A Main --
Pos Car Laps time name
1 5 12 5:07.77 Brian Jacoby
2 1 12 5:15.28 Stephen Foley
3 4 11 5:28.41 Dave Stefans
4 2 11 5:33.97 Jason Schies
5 7 11 5:35.51 Rich Maguire
6 3 9 5:17.76 Dan Schlactun
7 6 3 1:58.97 Mariano Velazqiz
8 8 2 1:11.86 Paul Boyce
-- 9 --- DNS --- Gary Kosits
Car-> __1__ __2__ __3__ __4__ __5__ __6__ __7__ __8__ __9__ __0__
1 3/32.5 2/31.6 7/45.7 4/34.6 1/28.6 8/53.0 5/38.2 6/44.8
2 2/24.4 3/27.9 7/ 4/29.7 1/24.5 8/ 6/35.6 5/27.0
3 2/25.6 3/29.1 7/38.1 4/27.8 1/24.9 8/34.6 6/ 5/
4 2/31.2 3/27.6 6/26.7 4/27.4 1/23.9 7/31.2 5/32.5 8/
5 2/24.1 3/27.6 6/27.0 4/28.3 1/24.4 7/ 5/25.7 8/
6 2/23.4 3/28.2 5/31.6 4/28.0 1/24.4 7/ 6/ 8/
7 2/23.8 3/27.3 5/31.2 4/ 1/25.4 7/ 6/45.7 8/
8 2/27.1 3/ 5/ 4/28.4 1/26.4 7/ 6/34.5 8/
9 2/31.5 3/37.7 5/31.6 4/34.9 1/25.0 7/ 6/33.5 8/
10 2/23.8 3/30.2 5/30.4 4/30.9 1/24.6 7/ 6/33.4 8/
11 2/24.1 3/30.7 6/ 4/ 1/30.6 7/ 5/ 8.8 8/
12 2/23.1 3/ 6/55.0 5/29.3 1/24.4 7/ 4/10.5 8/
12 2/ 4/35.5 6/ 3/28.7 1/ 7/ 5/36.4 8/
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
laps 12 11 9 11 12 3 11 2
time 315.2 333.9 317.7 328.4 307.7 118.9 335.5 71.8
The form of the reconstructed race lap times is position/lap time
The blank lap time is when the car was lapped
Best Heat Lap/Time for SPRINT CAR:
Brian Carey with 29/5:03.76
-- SPRINT CAR - A Main --
Pos Car Laps time name
1 3 28 5:08.35 Mark Stern
2 1 27 5:05.62 Brian Carey
3 5 25 5:06.52 Adam Zuidema
4 4 24 5:03.70 Brian Peterson SR.
5 8 24 5:10.44 Bob Foley
6 7 19 3:44.19 Stingray
7 2 18 3:34.74 John Marcotte
8 0 15 3:08.32 John Wagner
9 9 7 1:23.76 Randy Chiapetta
10 6 4 1:15.63 Ray Schwerdtfeger
Car-> __1__ __2__ __3__ __4__ __5__ __6__ __7__ __8__ __9__ __0__
1 1/10.1 3/11.1 2/11.0 5/11.8 7/12.9 9/17.5 4/11.2 0/19.7 6/12.2 8/13.0
2 1/10.1 3/10.2 2/10.0 9/17.9 6/11.6 8/11.3 7/14.4 0/10.4 4/11.0 5/10.2
3 1/10.5 3/10.5 2/10.3 9/ 7/ 8/ 6/10.1 0/ 5/10.9 4/10.1
4 4/17.1 2/10.8 1/10.4 8/14.2 7/18.4 0/20.2 6/14.9 9/18.0 3/10.5 5/15.7
5 4/10.2 2/10.1 1/10.2 7/11.0 8/17.7 0/ 6/ 9/13.3 3/10.6 5/13.8
6 4/11.5 2/13.2 1/12.5 7/12.3 8/10.3 0/26.4 6/15.1 9/10.4 3/10.9 5/12.5
7 2/11.3 1/12.0 3/19.1 8/14.4 7/10.5 0/ 6/10.0 9/10.3 4/17.2 5/10.3
8 2/10.4 1/10.4 3/12.4 9/ 8/16.4 0/ 6/10.6 7/15.4 5/ 4/12.8
9 2/10.7 1/10.6 3/10.1 9/20.8 7/10.3 0/ 5/13.6 6/10.2 8/ 4/
10 2/10.6 1/11.2 3/ 9.9 8/10.6 6/10.1 0/ 5/10.7 7/ 9/ 4/11.6
11 2/10.9 1/10.9 3/10.5 8/ 6/10.4 0/ 4/10.0 7/18.5 9/ 5/10.5
12 2/10.8 1/10.8 3/11.8 8/20.2 6/ 0/ 4/10.0 7/10.7 9/ 5/20.5
13 2/10.8 1/10.5 3/10.1 8/10.9 6/15.1 0/ 4/13.6 7/10.2 9/ 5/10.4
14 2/10.5 1/10.2 3/10.0 8/10.1 6/10.3 0/ 4/10.2 7/10.4 9/ 5/10.4
15 2/10.9 1/10.4 3/10.0 8/12.3 6/10.1 0/ 4/11.2 7/10.0 9/ 5/10.4
16 2/10.5 1/10.4 3/10.1 8/10.9 6/10.6 0/ 4/10.4 7/ 9/ 5/
17 2/11.1 1/14.0 3/10.2 7/13.3 6/13.0 0/ 4/14.1 8/24.6 9/ 5/15.3
18 1/11.6 3/ 2/12.0 7/11.4 5/13.4 0/ 4/13.1 8/10.7 9/ 6/
19 1/11.9 4/26.6 2/11.6 6/10.6 5/11.4 0/ 3/10.2 7/10.7 9/ 8/
20 1/10.1 4/ 2/ 9.9 6/10.5 5/10.7 0/ 3/10.0 7/16.1 9/ 8/
21 1/ 9.9 5/ 2/ 9.7 6/14.5 4/10.7 0/ 3/ 7/10.4 9/ 8/
22 1/10.9 7/ 2/12.4 5/10.8 3/10.3 0/ 4/ 6/10.2 9/ 8/
23 1/12.4 7/ 2/10.7 4/11.8 3/18.8 0/ 6/ 5/10.3 9/ 8/
24 2/13.7 7/ 1/10.2 5/10.9 3/10.6 0/ 6/ 4/10.2 9/ 8/
25 2/10.5 7/ 1/10.4 4/10.6 3/10.5 0/ 6/ 5/ 9/ 8/
26 2/10.5 7/ 1/ 9.9 4/10.4 3/10.4 0/ 6/ 5/17.1 9/ 8/
27 2/15.1 7/ 1/10.6 4/10.1 3/10.7 0/ 6/ 5/10.7 9/ 8/
28 2/ 7/ 1/11.0 4/ 3/ 0/ 6/ 5/10.6 9/ 8/
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
laps 27 18 28 24 25 4 19 24 7 15
time 305.6 214.7 308.3 303.6 306.5 75.6 224.1 310.4 83.7 188.3
The form of the reconstructed race lap times is position/lap time
The blank lap time is when the car was lapped
-- SPRINT CAR - B Main --
Pos Car Laps time name
1 2 28 5:05.71 Randy Chiapetta
2 1 26 5:09.33 John Wagner
3 4 25 5:02.25 Dave Gallagher
4 3 1 0:15.69 Dan Moss
Car-> __1__ __2__ __3__ __4__ __5__ __6__ __7__ __8__ __9__ __0__
1 4/22.0 1/14.2 2/15.6 3/17.2
2 4/ 1/10.3 3/ 2/10.9
3 4/ 1/ 7.0 3/ 2/10.9
4 4/ 1/14.0 3/ 2/10.8
5 3/37.5 1/10.4 4/ 2/10.9
6 3/11.9 1/17.3 4/ 2/15.3
7 3/ 7.1 1/10.3 4/ 2/
7 3/ 7.1 1/ 4/ 2/10.8
8 3/ 7.0 1/10.4 4/ 2/11.0
9 3/ 7.1 1/10.0 4/ 2/
10 3/ 7.0 1/10.1 4/ 2/13.1
11 3/ 8.2 1/10.4 4/ 2/10.7
12 3/11.4 1/10.7 4/ 2/10.5
13 3/10.5 1/10.4 4/ 2/10.8
14 3/ 9.9 1/10.1 4/ 2/11.2
15 3/11.0 1/10.2 4/ 2/10.6
16 3/15.2 1/10.1 4/ 2/10.8
17 3/10.7 1/10.2 4/ 2/11.3
18 3/10.0 1/10.7 4/ 2/11.2
19 3/ 9.9 1/10.3 4/ 2/10.9
20 3/11.4 1/10.1 4/ 2/12.4
21 3/10.4 1/ 9.9 4/ 2/10.6
22 3/11.9 1/10.1 4/ 2/
23 2/12.8 1/13.7 4/ 3/20.1
24 2/12.0 1/10.6 4/ 3/15.2
25 2/13.7 1/10.3 4/ 3/11.6
26 2/10.0 1/10.2 4/ 3/11.3
27 2/10.8 1/10.0 4/ 3/11.0
28 2/11.6 1/12.3 4/ 3/
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
laps 26 28 1 25
time 309.3 305.7 15.6 302.2
The form of the reconstructed race lap times is position/lap time
The blank lap time is when the car was lapped
Best Heat Lap/Time for 1/8 BUGGY ELECTRIC:
Toby Hamson with 13/5:23.20
-- 1/8 BUGGY ELECTRIC - A Main --
Pos Car Laps time name
1 1 12 5:21.01 Toby Hamson
2 3 11 5:04.36 Alvin Chueng
3 5 11 5:09.40 Brian Carey
4 2 11 5:11.38 Mark Stern
5 7 11 5:12.93 Damon Bechtel
6 9 11 5:23.04 Dave Gallagher
7 6 10 5:21.49 Brian Peterson JR.
8 4 9 4:14.86 Nick Delcampo
9 8 9 5:16.19 Aaron Schies
10 0 6 3:16.43 Paul Liberatore
Car-> __1__ __2__ __3__ __4__ __5__ __6__ __7__ __8__ __9__ __0__
1 1/25.9 9/35.6 5/32.3 2/28.7 7/34.1 8/35.4 3/29.1 4/29.7 6/32.6 0/42.8
2 1/27.1 9/32.7 6/30.7 2/25.0 5/26.1 8/31.4 4/26.6 3/25.2 7/33.7 0/32.3
3 1/31.6 7/25.3 5/26.5 2/31.2 6/31.1 0/37.7 4/31.9 3/32.4 8/31.8 9/27.7
4 1/26.0 7/28.0 3/26.1 5/35.2 6/29.4 9/26.7 2/26.3 4/32.1 8/28.3 0/28.9
5 1/25.1 6/25.7 3/27.4 5/26.9 4/26.1 0/31.5 2/28.9 7/28.7 8/27.0 9/29.6
6 1/30.9 5/26.8 2/28.2 7/29.6 4/26.6 9/25.3 3/28.6 6/28.4 8/27.3 0/
7 1/24.9 5/25.4 2/25.7 6/25.4 4/25.2 9/25.4 3/26.0 7/28.1 8/28.0 0/34.9
8 1/25.0 4/26.0 2/25.8 6/25.6 5/27.8 9/ 3/26.9 8/ 7/27.5 0/
9 1/25.8 4/28.5 2/26.0 5/26.9 6/29.5 8/38.1 3/26.2 9/ 7/26.0 0/
10 1/27.1 5/30.8 2/25.3 7/ 4/27.1 8/29.3 3/26.0 9/77.0 6/29.8 0/
11 1/25.2 4/26.1 2/29.9 7/ 3/25.9 8/ 5/35.8 9/34.2 6/ 0/
12 1/25.9 4/ 2/ 8/ 3/ 7/40.0 5/ 9/ 6/30.5 0/
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
laps 12 11 11 9 11 10 11 9 11 6
time 321.0 311.3 304.3 254.8 309.4 321.4 312.9 316.1 323.0 196.4
The form of the reconstructed race lap times is position/lap time
The blank lap time is when the car was lapped
-- 1/8 BUGGY ELECTRIC - B Main --
Pos Car Laps time name
1 3 11 5:18.63 Dave Gallagher
2 1 10 5:04.91 Paul Liberatore
3 2 9 5:22.27 Ryan Jacobs
4 4 7 5:04.67 Brian Becker
-- 5 --- DNS --- Kyle Exley
Car-> __1__ __2__ __3__ __4__ __5__ __6__ __7__ __8__ __9__ __0__
1 1/34.5 3/41.2 2/35.7
2 3/37.2 4/83.4 2/29.3 1/32.1
3 2/28.1 4/31.8 1/27.1 3/39.2
4 1/28.2 4/28.6 2/31.5 3/29.8
5 1/25.7 4/27.2 2/27.3 3/36.0
6 2/37.8 4/28.2 1/26.9 3/
7 2/26.6 4/27.6 1/27.6 3/38.6
8 2/26.6 3/31.0 1/26.9 4/
9 2/27.7 3/31.3 1/26.6 4/
10 2/32.0 3/ 1/27.8 4/93.0
11 2/ 3/32.8 1/25.8 4/
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
laps 10 9 11 7
time 304.9 322.2 318.6 304.6
The form of the reconstructed race lap times is position/lap time
The blank lap time is when the car was lapped
Best Heat Lap/Time for SLASH SPEC OFFROAD:
Matt Stefans with 10/5:27.16
Pos Car Laps time name
1 1 10 5:10.31 Matt Stefans
2 9 10 5:13.15 Stephen Foley
3 7 10 5:20.97 John Marcotte
4 5 10 5:26.30 Daniel Schies
5 2 10 5:28.46 Wayne Miele
6 8 9 5:00.23 Derek Zuidema
7 3 9 5:04.67 Adam Zuidema
8 4 9 5:11.13 Nick Mainoski
9 6 9 5:11.21 Toby Hamson
10 0 9 5:22.74 Kyle Barber
Car-> __1__ __2__ __3__ __4__ __5__ __6__ __7__ __8__ __9__ __0__
1 1/31.2 8/44.1 6/38.3 0/51.4 4/36.3 5/36.5 2/33.6 3/35.1 7/39.1 9/44.3
2 1/30.9 8/29.9 7/34.5 0/31.3 4/34.2 6/35.3 3/36.1 2/32.7 5/31.7 9/33.3
3 1/30.4 5/31.1 8/34.9 9/32.8 6/35.1 7/34.2 2/31.2 3/33.6 4/31.0 0/38.9
4 1/31.1 5/32.1 8/32.5 9/29.9 4/31.5 6/33.4 2/32.4 7/38.4 3/31.7 0/30.7
5 1/32.7 4/30.5 7/34.5 9/29.6 5/33.3 8/35.4 3/30.2 6/32.3 2/30.0 0/34.9
6 1/31.0 4/30.2 7/33.7 0/38.5 5/31.7 8/36.2 3/31.9 6/31.5 2/30.9 9/30.4
7 1/31.2 4/32.0 7/32.1 9/32.1 5/31.5 8/33.6 3/31.5 6/30.7 2/28.7 0/
8 1/30.1 4/28.9 7/32.9 8/29.6 5/29.8 9/ 3/30.9 6/34.9 2/30.6 0/39.3
9 1/29.8 5/38.2 7/30.8 8/ 4/30.9 9/34.6 3/30.3 6/30.6 2/30.0 0/38.9
10 1/31.4 5/31.0 7/ 8/35.5 4/31.5 9/31.6 3/32.3 6/ 2/28.9 0/31.4
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
laps 10 10 9 9 10 9 10 9 10 9
time 310.3 328.4 304.6 311.1 326.2 311.2 320.9 300.2 313.1 322.7
The form of the reconstructed race lap times is position/lap time
The blank lap time is when the car was lapped
Pos Car Laps time name
1 1 10 5:13.42 Stephen Foley
2 0 9 5:01.27 Kyle Barber
3 7 9 5:22.11 Dan Kehlenbeck
4 3 9 5:25.20 Andrew Kehlenbeck
5 9 9 5:27.47 Jake Bedell
6 2 9 5:40.32 Howie Bedell
7 5 8 5:09.40 Shayna Miele
8 6 8 5:11.78 Matt Wood
9 8 5 4:15.39 Glad Buday
-- 4 --- DNS --- Thomas Giacomarra
Car-> __1__ __2__ __3__ __4__ __5__ __6__ __7__ __8__ __9__ __0__
1 4/41.0 7/49.5 3/41.0 8/55.7 6/46.1 1/36.2 5/44.2 2/39.0
2 2/29.7 7/37.4 4/32.1 8/34.1 6/38.8 1/34.1 9/91.5 5/32.8 3/31.8
3 1/29.2 6/32.8 4/38.5 8/35.3 7/37.7 2/35.5 9/ 5/35.5 3/36.3
4 1/33.1 6/32.0 4/32.9 8/35.9 7/36.5 3/37.7 9/44.6 5/33.0 2/30.1
5 1/28.7 6/34.1 4/34.7 8/ 7/ 5/36.0 9/39.2 3/33.1 2/32.4
6 1/30.3 6/31.8 3/31.1 8/40.7 7/35.7 4/35.1 9/42.1 5/38.2 2/35.1
7 1/29.8 6/ 3/34.6 8/36.2 7/39.2 4/32.8 9/ 5/ 2/31.9
8 1/29.8 5/35.9 4/ 7/35.5 8/41.5 3/35.1 9/37.8 6/39.0 2/32.3
9 1/31.4 6/44.7 4/39.5 7/35.7 8/35.9 3/ 9/ 5/33.0 2/31.9
10 1/30.0 6/41.7 4/40.2 7/ 8/ 3/39.2 9/ 5/38.2 2/
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
laps 10 9 9 8 8 9 5 9 9
time 313.4 340.3 325.2 309.3 311.7 322.1 255.3 327.4 301.2
The form of the reconstructed race lap times is position/lap time
The blank lap time is when the car was lapped
Pos Car Laps time name
1 9 9 5:16.32 Jake Bedell
2 2 9 5:22.74 Kyle Barber
3 7 9 5:25.84 John Cason
4 8 9 5:34.13 John Weinand
5 1 8 5:05.49 Tom Piersanti
6 4 8 5:05.59 Dallas Johnson
7 0 8 5:22.30 Steve Cross
8 3 8 5:22.48 Rick Filardi
9 6 8 5:39.60 Terry M.
-- 5 --- DNS --- Lucas Hamson
Car-> __1__ __2__ __3__ __4__ __5__ __6__ __7__ __8__ __9__ __0__
1 9/52.8 5/41.5 7/46.3 3/39.1 4/39.3 2/37.8 6/43.7 1/34.7 8/50.2
2 8/35.2 4/36.8 7/36.7 3/35.9 6/41.2 2/34.6 5/35.6 1/33.4 9/39.5
3 7/35.6 5/35.2 6/40.3 3/34.7 8/49.9 2/35.2 4/32.8 1/32.2 9/
4 6/34.3 3/35.6 7/36.4 4/39.5 8/39.7 2/38.3 5/43.3 1/33.7 9/53.3
5 6/35.1 3/33.6 7/41.5 4/40.6 8/39.7 2/35.0 5/35.0 1/37.9 9/34.6
6 6/38.0 2/34.6 7/35.6 5/38.7 8/ 3/36.5 4/36.1 1/38.5 9/36.9
7 5/37.3 2/37.9 7/42.7 6/40.1 8/38.5 3/40.0 4/33.2 1/36.2 9/35.3
8 5/36.9 2/33.2 7/ 6/36.5 9/42.4 3/34.3 4/36.2 1/35.4 8/36.7
9 5/ 2/33.9 8/42.6 6/ 9/48.3 3/33.7 4/37.8 1/33.9 7/35.4
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
laps 8 9 8 8 8 9 9 9 8
time 305.4 322.7 322.4 305.5 339.5 325.8 334.1 316.3 322.3
The form of the reconstructed race lap times is position/lap time
The blank lap time is when the car was lapped
Pos Car Laps time name
1 5 9 5:26.70 Jake Bedell
2 6 8 5:34.58 Steve Cross
3 3 7 5:05.84 Brandon Kuralt
4 2 7 5:35.20 Anna Filardi
5 1 6 5:04.57 Luke Kowalski
6 4 6 5:06.05 Tyler M.
-- 7 --- DNS --- Frank Pindar
-- 8 --- DNS --- Kyle Exley
Car-> __1__ __2__ __3__ __4__ __5__ __6__ __7__ __8__ __9__ __0__
1 5/45.0 2/36.8 3/42.4 1/34.3 4/44.1
2 5/ 2/42.0 4/ 1/30.8 3/49.0
3 6/03.6 4/57.0 2/43.2 5/63.0 1/32.6 3/39.7
4 6/39.6 4/40.2 2/40.8 5/62.1 1/38.7 3/
5 6/45.7 4/55.3 2/ 5/ 1/32.2 3/41.6
6 6/48.6 4/48.0 3/51.7 5/45.6 1/32.2 2/35.0
7 5/13.7 4/41.8 3/52.4 6/43.2 1/45.0 2/43.3
8 5/53.1 4/ 3/38.5 6/49.4 1/43.2 2/43.0
9 5/ 4/47.5 3/ 6/ 1/37.2 2/38.7
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
laps 6 7 7 6 9 8
time 304.5 335.2 305.8 306.0 326.7 334.5
The form of the reconstructed race lap times is position/lap time
The blank lap time is when the car was lapped
Best Heat Lap/Time for OPEN MONSTER TRUCK:
Bob Foley with 12/5:05.22
Pos Car Laps time name
1 1 12 5:16.30 Bob Foley
2 3 12 5:20.94 Daniel Schies
3 2 12 5:21.20 Brian Carey
4 7 11 5:20.02 Annie Schies
5 5 10 5:01.29 John Weinand
6 0 10 5:05.69 Mariano Velazqiz
7 6 10 5:10.62 Matt Stefans
8 9 10 5:11.58 Dan Schlactun
9 8 10 5:11.92 Kyle Barber
10 4 10 5:27.01 Paul Liberatore
Car-> __1__ __2__ __3__ __4__ __5__ __6__ __7__ __8__ __9__ __0__
1 1/27.4 4/35.1 2/28.9 0/43.4 3/32.9 7/40.0 8/40.5 5/36.9 9/40.7 6/38.0
2 2/30.3 3/24.5 1/26.4 0/29.2 4/27.5 7/28.5 8/29.1 5/27.3 9/30.0 6/27.8
3 2/24.4 3/25.5 1/26.5 0/28.0 4/26.3 8/30.8 7/28.2 5/30.0 9/29.1 6/29.8
4 1/26.2 3/24.3 2/26.7 0/ 4/26.3 9/33.7 6/27.9 7/33.7 8/28.5 5/29.9
5 1/24.8 3/27.9 2/28.1 0/42.2 4/27.5 9/27.2 5/25.5 8/28.3 7/27.3 6/28.7
6 1/27.6 3/28.1 2/27.8 0/33.4 4/31.8 9/ 5/26.4 8/ 7/ 6/28.0
7 1/25.3 3/26.2 2/27.1 0/27.5 4/26.4 7/28.0 5/27.4 9/35.1 8/33.2 6/30.7
8 1/27.3 2/26.2 3/27.6 0/29.1 4/27.4 7/26.3 5/26.1 8/27.8 9/34.1 6/
9 1/26.2 2/24.8 3/25.1 0/ 4/37.9 6/26.9 5/33.6 8/26.7 9/27.6 7/28.9
10 1/25.5 2/25.1 3/26.0 0/38.1 4/ 6/28.8 5/ 9/39.6 8/29.1 7/34.3
11 1/26.6 2/26.2 3/25.8 0/27.6 5/36.8 7/39.9 4/27.1 9/26.1 8/31.5 6/29.1
12 1/24.2 3/26.6 2/24.3 0/28.0 5/ 7/ 4/27.6 9/ 8/ 6/
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
laps 12 12 12 10 10 10 11 10 10 10
time 316.3 321.1 320.9 327.0 301.2 310.6 320.0 311.9 311.5 305.6
The form of the reconstructed race lap times is position/lap time
The blank lap time is when the car was lapped
Pos Car Laps time name
1 4 10 5:01.18 Dan Schlactun
2 7 10 5:13.79 Mariano Velazqiz
3 2 9 5:30.88 Richard Lutzky
4 5 6 4:10.04 John Cason
-- 1 --- DNS --- Dave Gallagher
-- 6 --- DNS --- Gary Kosits
-- 3 --- DNS --- Rich Maguire
-- 8 --- DNS --- Joshua Boyce
Car-> __1__ __2__ __3__ __4__ __5__ __6__ __7__ __8__ __9__ __0__
1 4/46.8 1/30.9 3/44.5 2/34.6
2 4/36.6 1/27.1 3/36.8 2/30.0
3 4/ 1/26.7 3/ 2/29.5
4 3/44.0 1/36.1 4/50.8 2/32.9
5 3/32.6 1/27.1 4/38.7 2/32.4
6 3/30.2 1/27.7 4/ 2/31.3
7 3/30.2 1/31.7 4/45.1 2/31.7
8 3/36.1 1/30.4 4/33.8 2/30.2
9 3/37.3 1/32.2 4/ 2/31.0
10 3/36.6 1/30.9 4/ 2/29.6
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
laps 9 10 6 10
time 330.8 301.1 250.0 313.7
The form of the reconstructed race lap times is position/lap time
The blank lap time is when the car was lapped
Best Heat Lap/Time for 1/8 LATE MODEL:
Toby Hamson with 30/5:01.18
-- 1/8 LATE MODEL - A Main --
Pos Car Laps time name
1 4 30 5:07.94 J.T. Moss
2 3 29 5:11.35 Stephen Foley
3 6 28 5:01.97 Dave Stefans
4 5 27 5:04.24 Adam Zuidema
5 2 27 5:06.86 Charlie Sweet
6 1 13 2:23.39 Toby Hamson
- 1/8 LATE MODEL -
Car-> __1__ __2__ __3__ __4__ __5__ __6__ __7__ __8__ __9__ __0__
1 1/10.0 2/10.7 4/13.3 5/15.1 3/12.7
2 1/ 9.9 6/20.5 2/ 9.8 3/ 9.8 5/10.4 4/10.8
3 1/10.0 6/10.2 2/ 9.7 3/ 9.8 5/10.1 4/10.9
4 5/18.2 6/10.0 1/ 9.9 2/10.1 4/11.8 3/10.5
5 5/10.3 6/10.1 1/ 9.8 2/10.0 4/10.1 3/10.7
6 5/ 9.7 6/ 9.8 1/ 9.9 2/10.1 4/10.2 3/10.3
7 5/10.8 6/ 9.6 1/ 9.8 2/ 9.9 4/10.8 3/10.8
8 4/ 9.9 6/ 9.6 1/ 9.4 2/ 9.9 5/ 3/10.4
9 4/ 6/ 9.8 1/10.0 2/10.1 5/10.7 3/10.4
10 5/12.6 4/10.5 1/10.5 2/10.5 6/17.0 3/10.9
11 5/ 9.9 4/10.6 1/10.0 2/10.1 6/10.1 3/10.6
12 4/11.2 6/20.6 1/14.1 2/10.3 5/10.1 3/11.3
13 4/10.2 6/10.1 1/10.0 2/10.2 5/13.9 3/10.4
14 4/ 9.9 6/10.0 1/10.3 2/10.1 5/10.0 3/10.2
15 6/ 5/10.6 1/10.1 2/10.0 4/ 9.9 3/10.7
16 6/ 5/ 1/11.5 2/11.7 4/ 3/11.0
17 6/ 4/14.7 1/10.2 2/10.3 5/17.4 3/10.6
18 6/ 4/10.6 1/ 9.9 2/ 9.6 5/13.7 3/10.2
19 6/ 4/14.1 3/19.4 1/10.3 5/10.6 2/10.9
20 6/ 4/ 9.8 3/10.1 1/ 9.5 5/ 9.7 2/10.2
21 6/ 4/ 9.7 2/ 9.8 1/ 9.7 5/10.3 3/10.5
22 6/ 4/ 9.8 2/10.0 1/10.4 5/ 9.8 3/10.4
23 6/ 4/10.0 2/10.0 1/10.2 5/ 9.8 3/
24 6/ 4/10.2 2/ 1/10.0 5/ 9.6 3/10.6
25 6/ 4/ 9.6 3/13.0 1/ 9.7 5/10.1 2/11.1
26 6/ 4/ 9.8 2/ 9.7 1/10.1 5/10.1 3/10.7
27 6/ 5/14.7 2/10.2 1/10.0 4/ 9.9 3/10.2
28 6/ 5/10.1 2/10.0 1/11.0 4/10.2 3/11.1
29 6/ 5/10.3 2/ 9.8 1/ 9.9 4/11.4 3/11.3
30 6/ 5/ 2/12.5 1/ 9.8 4/ 3/
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
laps 13 27 29 30 27 28
time 143.3 306.8 311.3 307.9 304.2 301.9
The form of the reconstructed race lap times is position/lap time
The blank lap time is when the car was lapped
-- 1/8 LATE MODEL - B Main --
Pos Car Laps time name
1 1 29 5:00.62 Adam Zuidema
2 5 29 5:06.60 Dave Stefans
3 2 29 5:07.82 Bob Foley
4 3 14 3:06.71 Derek Zuidema
-- 4 --- DNS --- Dan Moss
- 1/8 LATE MODEL -
Car-> __1__ __2__ __3__ __4__ __5__ __6__ __7__ __8__ __9__ __0__
1 2/11.0 1/10.5 3/11.7
2 1/10.1 3/15.6 2/10.8
3 1/ 9.8 3/ 9.9 2/10.4
4 1/10.2 3/10.0 4/47.2 2/10.4
5 1/10.5 3/10.5 4/10.4 2/10.3
6 1/10.9 3/ 9.8 4/ 9.9 2/10.7
7 1/10.3 3/10.1 4/10.5 2/12.0
8 1/10.5 3/11.6 4/11.4 2/10.8
9 1/10.3 3/ 9.8 4/10.2 2/10.3
10 1/10.4 3/10.2 4/10.2 2/10.3
11 1/10.1 2/10.0 4/10.5 3/11.1
12 1/10.0 2/ 9.8 4/10.0 3/10.1
13 1/10.2 2/10.3 4/ 9.9 3/10.3
14 1/10.0 2/ 9.8 4/ 9.9 3/10.4
15 1/11.1 2/10.6 4/12.1 3/10.3
16 1/10.5 2/10.0 4/10.7 3/10.3
17 1/10.4 3/15.1 4/13.1 2/10.1
18 1/10.2 3/12.8 4/ 2/10.0
19 1/10.8 3/10.1 4/ 2/10.0
20 1/10.0 3/ 9.8 4/ 2/10.4
21 1/10.3 3/10.0 4/ 2/10.5
22 1/10.2 3/10.2 4/ 2/11.1
23 1/ 9.8 3/ 9.7 4/ 2/10.8
24 1/10.4 3/ 9.8 4/ 2/10.3
25 1/10.1 3/11.1 4/ 2/10.1
26 1/10.3 3/ 9.8 4/ 2/10.2
27 1/10.5 3/ 9.8 4/ 2/10.6
28 1/10.0 3/ 9.4 4/ 2/10.8
29 1/10.3 3/10.2 4/ 2/10.1
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
laps 29 29 14 29
time 300.6 307.8 186.7 306.5
The form of the reconstructed race lap times is position/lap time
The blank lap time is when the car was lapped