Best Heat Lap/Time for NOVICE:
Jake Bedell with 21/5:11.00
-- NOVICE - A Main --
Pos Car Laps time name
1 1 23 5:12.26 Jake Bedell
2 3 22 5:03.10 Alyssa Cianfrone
3 2 21 5:08.67 Tyler M.
4 5 20 5:21.32 Dom Germinario
5 4 19 5:17.56 Luke Negrin
6 6 6 1:49.59 Alex Velazquez
Car-> __1__ __2__ __3__ __4__ __5__ __6__ __7__ __8__ __9__ __0__
1 3/12.3 1/11.6 6/19.8 2/12.0 5/18.5 4/17.3
2 2/15.1 1/12.5 4/12.9 6/23.0 5/16.2 3/13.4
3 2/13.0 1/12.6 4/12.9 5/12.0 6/ 3/13.9
4 2/12.8 1/12.7 3/13.1 5/ 6/16.5 4/
5 2/12.9 1/12.6 3/12.7 4/16.2 5/14.1 6/24.9
6 2/12.7 1/12.6 3/13.6 4/15.2 5/13.4 6/
7 2/19.9 1/20.1 3/19.2 4/14.2 5/ 6/26.6
8 1/12.9 2/19.6 3/12.5 4/20.9 6/31.3 5/13.3
9 1/12.8 2/18.1 3/19.0 4/17.5 5/12.4 6/
10 1/12.7 3/ 2/13.6 4/14.1 5/18.6 6/
11 1/12.9 3/20.4 2/12.6 4/ 5/18.0 6/
12 1/13.4 3/13.5 2/12.5 4/21.3 5/12.3 6/
13 1/12.7 3/16.5 2/12.7 4/17.2 5/13.3 6/
14 1/12.9 3/12.6 2/13.4 4/14.0 5/ 6/
15 1/12.8 3/12.7 2/13.3 4/ 5/22.2 6/
16 1/12.7 3/12.9 2/12.6 5/25.8 4/13.8 6/
17 1/12.9 3/12.8 2/12.3 5/14.8 4/12.1 6/
18 1/12.9 3/17.3 2/13.1 5/ 4/11.5 6/
19 1/13.0 3/12.6 2/13.9 5/20.1 4/17.8 6/
20 1/13.1 3/12.6 2/12.2 5/12.9 4/12.1 6/
21 1/13.0 3/16.1 2/12.0 5/13.0 4/11.3 6/
22 1/12.9 3/15.1 2/12.2 5/12.8 4/11.3 6/
23 1/18.7 3/ 2/ 5/19.4 4/23.3 6/
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
laps 23 21 22 19 20 6
time 312.2 308.6 303.0 317.5 321.3 109.5
The form of the reconstructed race lap times is position/lap time
The blank lap time is when the car was lapped
Best Heat Lap/Time for SLASH SPEC OVAL:
Mark Stern with 25/5:04.80
-- SLASH SPEC OVAL - A Main --
Pos Car Laps time name
1 1 22 5:07.15 Mark Stern
2 8 21 5:16.61 Joe Skidmore
3 2 20 5:03.43 Adam Zuidema
4 3 20 5:06.70 Jared Phair
5 7 19 5:05.61 Tyler M.
6 5 19 5:07.86 Amanda Miele
7 6 13 3:57.12 Shayna Miele
8 4 8 1:58.50 Wayne Miele
Car-> __1__ __2__ __3__ __4__ __5__ __6__ __7__ __8__ __9__ __0__
1 2/16.4 3/17.8 5/20.0 4/18.4 7/20.8 6/20.6 8/23.9 1/15.9
2 2/12.3 3/12.3 6/12.8 4/13.4 7/12.0 5/12.1 8/13.3 1/11.7
3 4/16.3 1/12.2 6/14.4 3/12.9 8/19.5 5/14.4 7/12.9 2/16.7
4 4/12.6 1/12.3 5/13.9 3/12.2 8/ 6/15.1 7/21.2 2/12.2
5 1/13.9 5/20.3 2/13.2 4/18.1 8/20.2 6/15.2 7/12.9 3/17.8
6 1/13.0 6/19.7 2/13.0 4/18.1 8/12.8 5/16.4 7/12.8 3/16.8
7 1/12.9 4/12.4 2/12.8 3/12.6 8/12.8 6/17.1 7/ 5/18.6
8 1/13.5 4/12.3 2/12.8 3/12.4 8/18.6 6/ 7/15.1 5/
9 1/13.7 2/16.7 3/ 4/ 6/14.2 8/22.5 7/20.3 5/18.3
10 1/13.0 2/12.2 5/31.8 8/ 4/12.6 7/17.0 6/12.7 3/11.8
11 1/15.6 2/12.4 4/12.7 8/ 6/17.7 7/ 5/14.5 3/11.9
12 1/13.5 2/12.3 4/13.1 8/ 6/ 7/21.2 5/12.6 3/14.3
13 1/13.3 2/12.4 4/12.8 8/ 6/18.4 7/17.6 5/12.6 3/12.8
14 1/12.7 2/12.7 4/13.0 8/ 6/12.4 7/ 5/ 3/11.8
15 1/17.4 2/18.1 3/13.1 8/ 6/22.5 7/30.6 5/28.3 4/20.5
16 1/12.6 2/ 3/12.8 8/ 6/12.5 7/16.8 5/12.7 4/12.2
17 1/13.6 2/22.5 4/20.8 8/ 6/12.8 7/ 5/13.1 3/15.6
18 1/12.8 3/22.1 4/ 8/ 6/19.4 7/ 5/20.3 2/13.4
19 1/13.8 3/12.5 4/22.9 8/ 6/ 7/ 5/13.6 2/12.2
20 1/13.3 3/15.3 4/13.0 8/ 6/17.8 7/ 5/14.8 2/15.5
21 1/12.9 3/13.8 4/13.2 8/ 6/12.7 7/ 5/17.0 2/18.1
22 1/16.9 3/ 4/13.6 8/ 6/17.1 7/ 5/ 2/17.2
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
laps 22 20 20 8 19 13 19 21
time 307.1 303.4 306.7 118.5 307.8 237.1 305.6 316.6
The form of the reconstructed race lap times is position/lap time
The blank lap time is when the car was lapped
Best Heat Lap/Time for 4WD SHORT COURSE MOD:
Damon Bechtel with 12/5:16.31
Pos Car Laps time name
1 1 23 10:25.80 Damon Bechtel
2 3 23 10:26.95 Brian Carey
3 9 22 10:04.68 Derek Zuidema
4 0 22 10:13.04 Mark Stern
5 2 21 9:14.25 Steve Charles
6 8 21 10:05.87 Howie Bedell
7 5 20 10:41.51 Adam Zuidema
8 7 5 2:20.04 Kyle Exley
9 6 5 2:40.85 Bob Foley
10 4 3 1:38.09 Tony Russo
Car-> __1__ __2__ __3__ __4__ __5__ __6__ __7__ __8__ __9__ __0__
1 1/26.5 2/27.5 5/29.2 0/41.1 3/28.4 7/33.0 6/30.3 9/37.4 4/29.2 8/36.2
2 1/26.4 3/29.6 4/28.5 0/28.0 2/26.1 7/28.0 6/28.6 9/26.9 5/29.3 8/27.0
3 3/31.7 2/26.2 4/28.2 0/28.8 1/25.8 8/32.4 5/27.5 7/28.5 6/31.0 9/31.7
4 3/26.3 2/24.9 6/30.0 0/ 1/25.7 9/34.1 4/26.8 7/29.1 5/25.7 8/31.6
5 3/25.6 2/26.3 6/27.2 0/ 1/27.9 9/33.1 4/26.6 7/28.0 5/24.8 8/26.7
6 2/25.2 1/26.4 6/34.9 0/ 3/29.6 9/ 8/ 5/27.1 4/25.6 7/26.5
7 2/26.0 1/24.7 7/28.2 0/ 4/31.0 9/ 8/ 5/26.3 3/27.7 6/26.1
8 2/27.2 1/26.5 6/26.8 0/ 4/29.1 9/ 8/ 5/25.9 3/27.4 7/33.7
9 1/28.0 2/31.5 6/25.6 0/ 4/27.0 9/ 8/ 5/25.9 3/25.0 7/25.3
10 2/25.7 1/24.7 5/27.9 0/ 4/28.0 9/ 8/ 6/32.0 3/24.9 7/25.8
11 1/25.1 2/26.4 5/25.9 0/ 4/25.3 9/ 8/ 6/27.8 3/24.8 7/
12 3/29.6 1/25.6 5/25.4 0/ 4/32.3 9/ 8/ 6/27.7 2/25.3 7/31.5
13 3/29.1 1/25.6 5/25.2 0/ 4/26.6 9/ 8/ 6/27.2 2/25.4 7/25.7
14 3/25.6 2/28.3 4/24.9 0/ 5/27.1 9/ 8/ 6/ 1/25.5 7/27.0
15 3/25.2 2/25.8 4/25.5 0/ 5/26.4 9/ 8/ 6/28.8 1/25.4 7/25.5
16 2/26.7 1/24.3 4/26.9 0/ 5/31.7 9/ 8/ 7/36.8 3/34.4 6/26.1
17 2/25.6 1/25.2 4/26.2 0/ 5/25.6 9/ 8/ 7/26.4 3/27.4 6/25.3
18 2/26.0 1/26.5 3/25.0 0/ 5/25.6 9/ 8/ 7/29.2 4/34.1 6/26.0
19 2/27.0 1/25.7 3/26.3 0/ 5/ 9/ 8/ 7/31.8 4/27.6 6/27.8
20 2/24.6 1/26.5 3/25.5 0/ 6/36.4 9/ 8/ 7/27.8 4/26.4 5/26.3
21 2/29.4 1/25.2 3/25.5 0/ 7/ 9/ 8/ 6/27.6 4/26.6 5/27.5
22 1/29.6 4/ 2/26.6 0/ 7/ 9/ 8/ 6/26.6 3/30.1 5/26.1
23 1/32.6 5/ 2/30.6 0/ 7/05.2 9/ 8/ 6/ 3/ 4/26.5
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
laps 23 21 23 3 20 5 5 21 22 22
time 625.7 554.2 626.9 98.0 641.5 160.8 140.0 605.8 604.6 613.0
The form of the reconstructed race lap times is position/lap time
The blank lap time is when the car was lapped
Pos Car Laps time name
1 1 12 5:16.92 Derek Zuidema
2 7 11 5:03.53 Mark Stern
3 5 11 5:20.63 Joe Skidmore
4 4 9 5:15.38 Paul Negrin
5 3 9 5:32.07 Tyler M.
6 2 7 2:55.16 Jake Bedell
-- 6 --- DNS --- Dan Moss
Car-> __1__ __2__ __3__ __4__ __5__ __6__ __7__ __8__ __9__ __0__
1 1/27.0 5/33.2 3/32.0 6/35.5 4/32.3 2/30.5
2 1/26.1 5/36.5 6/42.5 4/31.8 2/28.3 3/32.1
3 1/26.0 4/27.5 6/ 5/35.1 3/30.0 2/26.1
4 1/26.8 4/26.8 6/34.1 5/28.7 3/25.8 2/26.0
5 1/25.7 4/27.7 6/33.9 5/ 3/31.0 2/26.5
6 1/26.3 3/15.7 6/ 5/30.5 4/ 2/26.0
7 2/26.0 1/ 7.4 6/35.8 5/33.3 4/28.6 3/27.9
8 1/26.2 3/ 6/34.5 5/ 4/27.9 2/27.2
9 1/26.0 4/ 6/42.5 5/36.7 3/26.7 2/26.7
10 1/25.7 5/ 6/ 4/39.2 3/27.7 2/26.8
11 1/29.4 6/ 5/38.3 4/44.1 3/29.2 2/27.2
12 1/25.2 6/ 5/37.9 4/ 3/32.6 2/
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
laps 12 7 9 9 11 11
time 316.9 175.1 332.0 315.3 320.6 303.5
The form of the reconstructed race lap times is position/lap time
The blank lap time is when the car was lapped
Best Heat Lap/Time for 1/10 BUGGY OFFROAD:
Stephen Maizer with 12/5:22.00
-- 1/10 BUGGY OFFROAD - A Main --
Pos Car Laps time name
1 1 22 10:08.76 Stephen Maizer
2 7 21 10:15.57 Brian Carey
3 3 21 10:27.87 Mark Stern
4 2 21 10:33.28 Adam Zuidema
5 6 20 10:01.56 Steve Charles
6 9 20 10:10.32 Annie Schies
7 4 20 10:11.43 Brian Cianfrone
8 5 20 10:17.93 Aaron Schies
9 0 20 10:25.70 Daniel Schies
10 8 12 6:30.47 Derek Zuidema
Car-> __1__ __2__ __3__ __4__ __5__ __6__ __7__ __8__ __9__ __0__
1 1/28.4 8/38.1 6/36.1 9/40.8 2/30.3 3/32.5 5/35.0 0/43.5 7/36.7 4/33.2
2 1/27.4 5/30.3 6/32.5 8/28.3 2/28.2 9/40.4 4/33.2 0/37.6 3/29.9 7/35.5
3 1/26.9 4/28.0 8/33.4 5/28.1 2/30.8 9/29.8 6/29.3 0/ 3/28.2 7/29.6
4 1/26.8 3/27.1 8/30.3 9/36.9 2/33.1 7/27.5 4/28.2 0/30.4 5/31.8 6/29.7
5 1/27.6 3/29.6 8/28.5 9/28.9 2/30.0 7/30.1 4/30.9 0/27.0 6/31.2 5/29.0
6 1/27.1 2/27.3 8/ 9/ 3/28.3 6/28.6 5/29.0 0/30.9 7/32.2 4/28.4
7 1/28.2 2/28.0 9/35.7 8/32.7 7/38.9 5/27.9 3/26.4 0/31.2 6/28.9 4/31.2
8 1/28.2 2/26.9 9/31.1 8/27.2 7/ 5/27.1 3/28.5 0/27.7 6/27.7 4/26.9
9 1/27.1 2/29.7 9/27.4 7/27.2 8/30.8 5/33.2 3/34.2 0/28.4 6/ 4/31.2
10 1/29.8 4/ 8/28.2 0/38.2 6/27.3 5/ 2/27.5 9/27.9 7/36.2 3/29.5
11 1/27.1 4/43.5 7/28.2 8/27.3 6/32.8 5/31.5 2/27.4 0/34.8 9/34.8 3/
12 1/27.8 5/29.1 7/28.2 0/34.0 6/27.9 4/27.7 2/28.1 9/30.1 8/25.2 3/28.6
13 1/27.0 5/31.7 7/30.3 9/28.4 6/30.9 4/30.3 2/27.0 0/ 8/28.3 3/31.4
14 1/26.9 5/28.6 6/29.7 9/27.8 8/35.4 3/28.9 2/ 0/40.2 7/33.3 4/31.6
15 1/27.6 3/26.1 6/29.3 9/32.3 8/32.1 4/31.5 2/31.3 0/ 7/27.9 5/31.5
16 1/27.6 3/27.7 6/27.5 8/27.5 9/29.3 4/27.5 2/27.8 0/ 7/28.8 5/27.2
17 1/27.1 3/26.9 4/29.5 8/27.6 9/28.7 5/34.6 2/28.5 0/ 7/32.1 6/35.8
18 1/27.1 3/34.9 4/28.2 9/ 8/28.9 5/28.6 2/31.1 0/ 6/28.6 7/32.4
19 1/31.4 3/27.9 4/28.8 9/36.1 8/ 5/28.0 2/27.2 0/ 6/30.2 7/
20 1/27.0 3/27.3 4/26.9 7/26.5 9/33.8 5/27.9 2/27.3 0/ 6/28.1 8/34.7
21 1/26.7 4/30.1 3/27.6 7/26.0 8/30.0 5/27.2 2/28.5 0/ 6/ 9/35.7
22 1/26.9 4/33.3 3/29.4 7/28.5 8/29.2 5/ 2/28.0 0/ 6/29.3 9/31.5
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
laps 22 21 21 20 20 20 21 12 20 20
time 608.7 633.2 627.8 611.4 617.9 601.5 615.5 390.4 610.3 625.6
The form of the reconstructed race lap times is position/lap time
The blank lap time is when the car was lapped
-- 1/10 BUGGY OFFROAD - B Main --
Pos Car Laps time name
1 2 10 5:00.78 Annie Schies
2 3 10 5:14.45 Daniel Schies
3 1 8 4:41.96 Tom Bell
Car-> __1__ __2__ __3__ __4__ __5__ __6__ __7__ __8__ __9__ __0__
1 1/37.7 3/39.5 2/38.1
2 3/34.1 1/28.4 2/31.4
3 3/39.5 1/28.0 2/28.5
4 3/34.2 1/27.2 2/29.0
5 3/34.2 1/27.0 2/32.4
6 3/ 1/30.7 2/28.1
7 3/37.9 1/31.4 2/32.5
8 3/33.1 1/27.9 2/29.2
9 3/31.0 1/30.1 2/31.1
10 3/ 1/30.1 2/33.7
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
laps 8 10 10
time 281.9 300.7 314.4
The form of the reconstructed race lap times is position/lap time
The blank lap time is when the car was lapped
Best Heat Lap/Time for 4WD BUGGY OFFROAD:
Stephen Maizer with 13/5:14.03
-- 4WD BUGGY OFFROAD - A Main --
Pos Car Laps time name
1 1 13 5:28.20 Stephen Maizer
2 3 11 5:05.11 Derek Zuidema
3 2 11 5:30.91 Annie Schies
Car-> __1__ __2__ __3__ __4__ __5__ __6__ __7__ __8__ __9__ __0__
1 1/25.9 3/36.4 2/29.3
2 1/24.4 3/36.9 2/28.5
3 1/24.3 3/ 2/30.0
4 1/24.6 3/32.1 2/26.2
5 1/25.5 3/25.7 2/25.2
6 1/24.3 3/26.4 2/26.4
7 1/23.6 3/26.2 2/26.6
8 1/28.0 3/26.1 2/25.4
9 1/24.7 3/32.1 2/26.7
10 1/24.3 3/29.0 2/27.5
11 1/24.0 3/26.1 2/
12 1/25.2 3/ 2/32.9
13 1/28.7 3/33.4 2/
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
laps 13 11 11
time 328.1 330.9 305.1
The form of the reconstructed race lap times is position/lap time
The blank lap time is when the car was lapped
Best Heat Lap/Time for 2WD SHORT COURSE MOD:
John Marcotte with 11/5:07.84
Pos Car Laps time name
1 1 11 5:20.36 John Marcotte
2 4 11 5:28.14 Steve Charles
3 3 11 5:29.81 Joe Skidmore
4 5 9 5:11.35 Terry M.
5 6 8 5:19.45 Luke Negrin
6 2 5 2:42.69 Damon Bechtel
-- 7 --- DNS --- Tony Russo
Car-> __1__ __2__ __3__ __4__ __5__ __6__ __7__ __8__ __9__ __0__
1 1/30.6 3/33.9 4/34.8 2/32.7 5/39.5 6/42.0
2 1/27.6 4/32.2 3/28.5 2/27.8 5/33.2 6/44.2
3 1/29.7 4/38.2 3/29.0 2/30.7 5/32.1 6/
4 1/32.1 4/28.3 2/27.7 3/35.9 5/29.3 6/43.9
5 1/27.8 4/29.8 2/28.5 3/30.9 5/30.1 6/
6 2/30.7 4/ 1/28.6 3/28.7 5/ 6/56.3
7 2/27.5 5/ 1/28.3 3/28.0 4/43.2 6/
8 1/28.8 5/ 2/30.9 3/27.8 4/40.0 6/53.2
9 1/28.5 6/ 2/27.1 3/27.3 4/33.3 5/21.2
10 1/28.4 6/ 2/32.3 3/28.5 4/30.2 5/20.3
11 1/28.2 6/ 3/33.5 2/29.2 4/ 5/38.0
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
laps 11 5 11 11 9 8
time 320.3 162.6 329.8 328.1 311.3 319.4
The form of the reconstructed race lap times is position/lap time
The blank lap time is when the car was lapped
Best Heat Lap/Time for 1/8 BUGGY NITRO:
Stephen Foley with 13/5:18.68
-- 1/8 BUGGY NITRO - A Main --
Pos Car Laps time name
1 3 10 5:07.02 Dan Schlactun
2 2 10 5:14.38 Jason Schies
3 4 8 4:02.51 Mariano Velazqiz
-- 1 --- DNS --- Stephen Foley
-- 5 --- DNS --- Kyle Exley
Car-> __1__ __2__ __3__ __4__ __5__ __6__ __7__ __8__ __9__ __0__
1 2/33.9 1/30.5 3/35.0
2 2/28.4 1/27.1 3/28.0
3 2/30.8 1/27.0 3/33.8
4 3/54.5 1/32.8 2/29.0
5 2/27.7 3/81.4 1/47.3
6 1/28.3 3/29.9 2/31.2
7 2/ 3/ 1/29.4
8 3/56.2 2/26.8 1/ 8.5
8 2/ 8.8 3/16.2 1/
9 2/17.7 1/ 9.1 3/
10 2/27.5 1/25.7 3/
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
laps 10 10 8
time 314.3 307.0 242.5
The form of the reconstructed race lap times is position/lap time
The blank lap time is when the car was lapped
Best Heat Lap/Time for SPRINT CAR:
John Marcotte with 30/5:09.21
-- SPRINT CAR - A Main --
Pos Car Laps time name
1 1 30 5:06.25 John Marcotte
2 2 29 5:01.96 Mark Stern
3 5 28 5:10.00 Derek Zuidema
4 6 27 5:04.16 Adam Zuidema
5 4 12 2:47.13 Brian Carey
-- 3 --- DNS --- Bob Foley
Car-> __1__ __2__ __3__ __4__ __5__ __6__ __7__ __8__ __9__ __0__
1 1/10.6 2/10.8 5/12.7 4/12.4 3/11.9
2 1/ 9.8 2/ 9.9 3/10.4 4/11.2 5/13.7
3 1/ 9.8 2/10.0 4/14.6 3/10.6 5/13.9
4 1/10.0 2/10.0 4/10.1 3/10.9 5/
5 1/10.5 2/14.2 4/10.2 3/10.9 5/14.4
6 1/10.0 2/10.7 4/10.5 3/10.9 5/10.2
7 1/10.0 2/10.2 4/10.6 3/10.9 5/10.2
8 1/10.0 2/10.1 4/11.3 3/11.0 5/ 9.8
9 1/10.1 2/ 9.8 4/10.8 3/11.0 5/ 9.9
10 1/10.4 2/10.1 4/10.3 3/11.1 5/11.0
11 1/10.3 2/10.9 4/ 3/11.0 5/11.6
12 1/10.9 2/10.1 5/17.7 3/ 4/10.2
13 1/10.3 2/10.1 5/ 3/12.1 4/10.1
14 1/10.2 2/10.1 5/ 3/10.6 4/13.5
15 1/10.2 2/10.0 5/ 3/10.8 4/10.3
16 1/10.0 2/ 9.8 5/37.6 3/10.8 4/10.0
17 1/10.2 2/ 9.8 5/ 3/10.8 4/10.1
18 1/ 9.9 2/10.1 5/ 3/11.0 4/
19 1/10.0 2/10.1 5/ 3/10.7 4/15.0
20 1/10.0 2/ 9.8 5/ 3/11.7 4/10.2
21 1/10.7 2/11.0 5/ 3/10.6 4/10.2
22 1/10.1 2/10.2 5/ 3/10.7 4/15.0
23 1/10.3 2/10.5 5/ 3/10.8 4/10.3
24 1/10.0 2/ 9.8 5/ 3/11.1 4/10.4
25 1/10.0 2/ 9.7 5/ 3/10.9 4/10.0
26 1/10.1 2/ 9.7 5/ 3/ 4/10.3
27 1/10.3 2/ 9.7 5/ 3/11.2 4/10.0
28 1/10.1 2/13.1 5/ 3/11.2 4/10.0
29 1/ 9.8 2/10.2 5/ 3/10.9 4/10.6
30 1/10.1 2/ 5/ 3/10.8 4/
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
laps 30 29 12 28 27
time 306.2 301.9 167.1 310.0 304.1
The form of the reconstructed race lap times is position/lap time
The blank lap time is when the car was lapped
Best Heat Lap/Time for 1/8 BUGGY ELECTRIC:
Brian Carey with 13/5:19.27
-- 1/8 BUGGY ELECTRIC - A Main --
Pos Car Laps time name
1 1 12 5:05.90 Brian Carey
2 2 12 5:13.98 Mark Stern
3 3 12 5:18.59 Kyle Exley
4 4 11 5:02.15 Aaron Schies
-- 5 --- DNS --- Damon Bechtel
Car-> __1__ __2__ __3__ __4__ __5__ __6__ __7__ __8__ __9__ __0__
1 1/25.7 2/26.7 4/34.4 3/29.3
2 1/24.1 2/25.5 4/24.9 3/28.4
3 1/25.8 2/26.5 4/27.4 3/25.3
4 1/26.1 2/26.5 3/25.0 4/32.4
5 1/25.7 2/25.1 3/24.4 4/27.6
6 1/24.0 2/25.1 3/24.9 4/29.5
7 1/24.3 2/26.0 3/29.2 4/25.8
8 1/27.8 2/25.7 3/24.7 4/25.6
9 1/24.7 2/27.9 3/24.4 4/25.0
10 1/26.1 2/26.0 3/23.5 4/24.7
11 1/25.3 2/25.2 3/24.1 4/28.0
12 1/25.5 2/27.2 3/31.2 4/
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
laps 12 12 12 11
time 305.9 313.9 318.5 302.1
The form of the reconstructed race lap times is position/lap time
The blank lap time is when the car was lapped
Best Heat Lap/Time for SLASH SPEC OFFROAD:
John Marcotte with 11/5:27.57
Pos Car Laps time name
1 1 11 5:16.61 John Marcotte
2 8 10 5:01.24 Howie Bedell
3 5 10 5:03.35 Brian Cianfrone
4 6 10 5:04.36 Matt Stefans
5 9 10 5:10.72 Daniel Schies
6 3 10 5:14.20 Frank Pindar
7 4 10 5:14.74 Joe Skidmore
8 7 10 5:17.96 Kyle Exley
9 0 10 5:21.20 Jake Bedell
-- 2 --- DNS --- Stephen Foley
Car-> __1__ __2__ __3__ __4__ __5__ __6__ __7__ __8__ __9__ __0__
1 1/30.5 2/32.3 5/34.6 3/32.4 6/35.3 7/36.4 4/33.2 9/37.1 8/36.6
2 1/28.9 7/34.3 5/31.0 2/29.0 4/29.5 6/29.2 3/29.2 8/30.0 9/36.7
3 1/27.5 7/33.5 6/33.3 2/28.2 4/28.4 8/34.9 3/29.7 5/30.8 9/29.5
4 1/26.7 9/33.3 7/34.2 2/28.8 4/28.8 8/32.6 3/28.9 5/30.5 6/29.6
5 1/28.0 6/29.9 9/33.2 2/31.7 3/29.6 8/31.1 4/31.2 5/28.1 7/31.4
6 1/29.3 6/29.7 9/29.9 2/29.6 4/32.4 7/29.6 3/29.9 5/29.3 8/30.8
7 1/29.0 6/30.2 8/29.9 3/33.2 4/33.5 7/30.4 2/29.3 5/34.2 9/
8 1/29.0 7/31.2 8/30.7 3/30.5 4/29.0 6/28.6 2/29.5 5/30.3 9/38.3
9 1/29.2 6/30.1 7/29.4 3/28.5 4/29.5 8/ 2/30.5 5/30.6 9/29.5
10 1/29.3 6/29.3 7/28.1 3/30.9 4/28.0 8/37.2 2/29.3 5/29.4 9/29.4
11 1/28.6 6/ 7/ 3/ 4/ 8/27.5 2/ 5/ 9/29.0
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
laps 11 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
time 316.6 314.1 314.7 303.3 304.3 317.9 301.2 310.7 321.2
The form of the reconstructed race lap times is position/lap time
The blank lap time is when the car was lapped
Pos Car Laps time name
1 2 10 5:09.80 Daniel Schies
2 1 10 5:26.76 Jake Bedell
3 4 10 5:38.17 Glad Buday
4 3 9 5:12.83 Shayna Miele
5 5 9 5:17.42 Terry M.
6 6 8 5:06.09 Tyler M.
Car-> __1__ __2__ __3__ __4__ __5__ __6__ __7__ __8__ __9__ __0__
1 1/32.5 4/36.5 5/39.8 3/35.3 2/33.8 6/45.9
2 1/34.0 2/32.8 5/33.1 3/35.4 4/38.0 6/37.8
3 1/31.1 2/29.5 5/41.2 3/32.9 4/38.5 6/39.0
4 2/33.7 1/29.4 5/38.2 3/31.4 4/37.7 6/34.3
5 2/33.7 1/30.3 5/30.5 3/30.7 4/31.6 6/
6 3/33.0 1/29.2 4/33.0 2/30.7 5/36.8 6/31.4
7 2/30.4 1/30.4 4/31.0 3/37.9 5/ 6/37.6
8 2/34.4 1/31.1 4/30.7 3/30.9 5/35.7 6/43.8
9 2/32.7 1/29.4 4/ 3/33.3 5/31.9 6/35.9
10 2/30.8 1/30.5 4/34.9 3/39.2 5/33.0 6/
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
laps 10 10 9 10 9 8
time 326.7 309.8 312.8 338.1 317.4 306.0
The form of the reconstructed race lap times is position/lap time
The blank lap time is when the car was lapped
Best Heat Lap/Time for OPEN MONSTER TRUCK:
Brian Carey with 13/5:19.29
Pos Car Laps time name
1 1 13 5:24.02 Brian Carey
2 3 12 5:14.13 Matt Stefans
3 8 11 5:12.75 Mariano Velazqiz
-- 2 --- DNS --- Bob Foley
-- 5 --- DNS --- Daniel Schies
-- 6 --- DNS --- Dan Schlactun
-- 7 --- DNS --- Aaron Schies
-- 4 --- DNS --- Annie Schies
Car-> __1__ __2__ __3__ __4__ __5__ __6__ __7__ __8__ __9__ __0__
1 1/25.5 2/30.0 3/35.2
2 1/24.5 2/26.0 3/27.2
3 1/26.3 2/29.7 3/27.0
4 1/24.7 2/25.9 3/26.9
5 1/23.8 2/25.6 3/27.9
6 1/23.7 2/25.9 3/27.4
7 1/24.5 2/25.5 3/
8 1/24.1 2/25.5 3/30.1
9 1/23.6 2/25.2 3/28.2
10 1/23.5 2/24.4 3/28.5
11 1/23.8 2/24.5 3/26.6
12 1/27.7 2/25.3 3/27.1
13 1/27.6 2/ 3/
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
laps 13 12 11
time 324.0 314.1 312.7
The form of the reconstructed race lap times is position/lap time
The blank lap time is when the car was lapped
Best Heat Lap/Time for 1/8 LATE MODEL:
Derek Zuidema with 30/5:08.47
-- 1/8 LATE MODEL - A Main --
Pos Car Laps time name
1 6 30 5:07.68 J.T. Moss
2 5 29 5:04.13 Chris Miele
3 7 29 5:09.95 Adam Zuidema
4 4 26 5:06.99 Charlie Sweet
-- 1 --- DNS --- Derek Zuidema
-- 2 --- DNS --- Bob Foley
-- 3 --- DNS --- Stephen Foley
- 1/8 LATE MODEL -
Car-> __1__ __2__ __3__ __4__ __5__ __6__ __7__ __8__ __9__ __0__
1 1/11.1 3/14.0 2/13.8 4/15.6
2 1/10.9 2/10.0 4/12.5 3/10.2
3 1/10.7 2/ 9.8 3/10.4 4/14.1
4 1/10.5 2/10.6 3/ 9.8 4/10.1
5 1/10.9 2/ 9.9 3/10.0 4/10.2
6 2/11.4 1/ 9.9 3/ 9.8 4/10.0
7 3/13.6 1/ 9.7 2/10.0 4/10.0
8 3/10.7 1/ 9.6 2/10.3 4/10.2
9 4/11.2 1/ 9.5 2/10.0 3/10.2
10 4/10.8 1/ 9.5 2/10.1 3/10.2
11 4/ 1/10.1 2/ 9.8 3/10.2
12 4/12.6 1/11.4 2/ 9.8 3/10.5
13 4/11.7 1/10.3 2/ 9.9 3/10.1
14 4/11.5 1/ 9.9 2/10.3 3/10.0
15 4/10.9 1/ 9.8 2/10.2 3/10.1
16 4/10.9 1/10.1 2/ 9.9 3/10.3
17 4/10.7 1/ 9.8 2/10.0 3/10.1
18 4/11.0 1/10.0 2/ 9.8 3/10.2
19 4/10.7 1/ 9.7 2/ 9.7 3/10.4
20 4/13.0 1/10.4 2/10.0 3/10.3
21 4/ 1/11.4 2/ 9.8 3/10.0
22 4/14.7 2/14.8 1/10.0 3/10.0
23 4/13.0 2/ 9.8 1/ 9.9 3/12.0
24 4/12.2 2/ 9.8 1/ 9.9 3/10.3
25 4/ 2/ 9.9 1/ 9.8 3/
26 4/16.6 2/10.0 1/10.9 3/12.7
27 4/11.4 2/10.2 1/ 9.9 3/ 9.9
28 4/11.5 2/10.2 1/10.1 3/10.0
29 4/11.3 2/12.3 1/ 9.8 3/10.1
30 4/ 2/ 1/10.0 3/10.5
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
laps 26 29 30 29
time 306.9 304.1 307.6 309.9
The form of the reconstructed race lap times is position/lap time
The blank lap time is when the car was lapped
Best Heat Lap/Time for ELECTRIC LATE MODEL:
Mark Stern with 30/5:00.65
Pos Car Laps time name
1 3 31 5:09.90 Brian Carey
-- 2 --- DNS --- Stephen Maizer
-- 1 --- DNS --- Mark Stern
-- 4 --- DNS --- Adam Zuidema
Car-> __1__ __2__ __3__ __4__ __5__ __6__ __7__ __8__ __9__ __0__
1 1/ 9.7
2 1/ 9.8
3 1/ 9.8
4 1/ 9.9
5 1/ 9.9
6 1/ 9.7
7 1/ 9.9
8 1/ 9.9
9 1/ 9.9
10 1/ 9.9
11 1/ 9.8
12 1/10.1
13 1/10.0
14 1/ 9.7
15 1/10.1
16 1/ 9.8
17 1/ 9.9
18 1/10.0
19 1/ 9.8
20 1/10.0
21 1/10.2
22 1/ 9.8
23 1/10.0
24 1/10.2
25 1/10.1
26 1/10.1
27 1/10.0
28 1/10.1
29 1/ 9.8
30 1/10.3
31 1/10.1
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
laps 31
time 309.9
The form of the reconstructed race lap times is position/lap time
The blank lap time is when the car was lapped