Best Heat Lap/Time for Novice Oval:
Miguel Rapales with 22/5:01.75
-- Novice Oval - A Main --
Pos Car Laps time name
1 1 22 5:05.85 Miguel Rapales
2 3 19 5:05.66 Brandon Capriglione
3 4 17 5:04.15 Alec Hamson
4 2 17 5:12.26 Samantha Huyler
5 8 16 5:01.29 Bonnie Chiappetta
6 7 16 5:04.55 William Kroll
7 9 15 5:12.27 Melissa Huyler
8 0 13 5:05.86 Alex Velazquez
-- 5 --- DNS --- Turi Morreale
-- 6 --- DNS --- Carol Marcotte
- Novice Oval -
Car-> __1__ __2__ __3__ __4__ __5__ __6__ __7__ __8__ __9__ __0__
1 1/12.8 3/15.5 6/25.2 5/23.6 2/15.5 4/21.8
2 1/12.8 8/28.0 2/15.4 7/26.5 6/ 5/ 4/ 3/15.7
3 1/12.5 6/13.8 2/14.8 5/15.3 7/20.6 8/23.5 4/25.0 3/
4 1/12.7 5/13.6 2/14.4 6/14.9 8/ 7/14.7 3/13.0 4/16.0
5 1/12.8 4/16.3 2/ 5/15.6 8/19.9 6/14.4 3/12.9 7/
6 1/12.9 3/14.2 5/28.2 4/14.6 8/22.1 6/ 2/18.0 7/25.3
7 1/13.2 3/15.7 4/16.1 5/19.1 7/14.8 6/14.5 2/13.4 8/
8 1/18.5 3/16.4 4/16.0 5/ 7/15.2 6/21.2 2/14.5 8/
9 1/12.8 3/17.3 4/17.0 5/20.8 7/15.6 6/18.7 2/17.4 8/
10 1/16.6 3/ 4/ 6/20.3 7/14.4 5/14.9 2/13.4 8/
11 1/13.0 4/16.5 3/14.2 6/14.2 7/14.6 5/14.6 2/20.3 8/77.9
12 1/12.8 4/18.5 3/16.0 6/ 7/ 5/14.0 2/ 8/15.5
13 1/13.1 3/22.2 2/15.7 7/18.7 6/14.9 5/ 4/ 8/17.2
14 1/18.6 3/ 2/14.2 6/15.5 4/16.0 5/19.8 7/34.8 8/
15 1/14.4 4/18.9 2/14.1 6/23.1 5/18.4 3/14.4 7/ 8/24.7
16 1/13.1 5/22.8 2/22.8 4/14.9 6/ 3/13.9 7/ 8/16.5
17 1/13.2 4/16.8 2/14.4 5/ 6/34.7 3/13.8 7/41.7 8/14.7
18 1/15.5 4/ 2/13.9 5/20.4 6/15.2 3/ 7/15.4 8/15.2
19 1/14.2 4/21.3 2/13.8 3/16.3 5/15.0 6/42.1 7/ 8/15.5
20 1/13.2 4/ 2/14.2 3/15.5 5/ 6/ 7/30.7 8/
21 1/13.1 4/21.1 2/13.8 3/17.5 6/27.2 5/22.3 7/ 8/
22 1/13.1 4/17.9 2/ 3/ 6/ 5/ 7/25.7 8/29.2
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
laps 22 17 19 17 16 16 15 13
time 305.8 312.2 305.6 304.1 304.5 301.2 312.2 305.8
The form of the reconstructed race lap times is position/lap time
The blank lap time is when the car was lapped
-- Novice Oval - B Main --
Pos Car Laps time name
1 3 17 5:02.46 Bonnie Chiappetta
2 4 16 5:03.10 Melissa Huyler
3 1 15 5:17.17 Alex Velazquez
4 2 12 5:04.12 Matthew Peterson
5 7 9 5:26.66 Alexis Chiappetta
-- 6 --- DNS --- Ryan Fisher
-- 5 --- DNS --- Cody Fisher
- Novice Oval -
Car-> __1__ __2__ __3__ __4__ __5__ __6__ __7__ __8__ __9__ __0__
1 4/27.1 2/23.3 1/19.5 3/26.2
2 4/15.5 2/17.4 1/20.5 3/16.1 5/44.4
3 4/23.1 3/22.1 1/17.8 2/20.0 5/19.8
4 4/19.2 2/15.6 1/16.4 3/21.1 5/
5 4/ 2/17.5 1/16.2 3/21.3 5/30.8
6 4/23.7 3/28.4 1/17.4 2/17.0 5/
7 4/19.7 3/20.5 1/19.1 2/20.9 5/47.6
8 4/16.8 3/ 1/18.1 2/ 5/
9 3/33.7 4/ 1/17.5 2/27.7 5/25.3
10 3/ 4/40.6 1/16.8 2/19.9 5/
11 3/20.9 4/ 1/17.6 2/20.3 5/
12 3/16.1 4/ 1/17.8 2/14.9 5/50.1
13 3/15.4 4/46.4 1/19.2 2/14.1 5/26.0
14 3/19.6 4/28.7 1/16.8 2/19.3 5/
15 3/22.6 4/ 1/17.8 2/15.1 5/34.5
16 3/16.9 4/27.2 1/15.4 2/13.9 5/
17 3/26.2 4/15.9 1/17.6 2/14.6 5/47.6
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
laps 15 12 17 16 9
time 317.1 304.1 302.4 303.0 326.6
The form of the reconstructed race lap times is position/lap time
The blank lap time is when the car was lapped
-- Novice Oval - C Main --
Pos Car Laps time name
-- 1 --- DNS --- Jazmin Thompson
-- 2 --- DNS --- Ashleigh Thompson
-- 3 --- DNS --- Ian Keegan
-- 4 --- DNS --- Matt Russo
-- 5 --- DNS --- Trevor O.
Best Heat Lap/Time for 1/10 2wd Mod Truck:
Bob O'Sullivan with 11/5:15.04
-- 1/10 2wd Mod Truck - A Main --
Pos Car Laps time name
1 2 20 10:04.56 Saul Raabe
2 4 20 10:20.41 Matt Stefans
3 1 19 10:08.84 Bob O'Sullivan
4 3 19 10:11.37 Tom Piersanti
5 6 18 10:07.24 Robert Bishop
6 5 16 10:10.89 Tyler Mastalski
7 7 15 10:05.75 Shawn Willis
8 0 13 8:57.37 Miguel Rapales
9 9 13 9:00.91 Joe Willis
10 8 13 9:51.88 Brian Willis
- 1/10 2wd Mod Truck -
Car-> __1__ __2__ __3__ __4__ __5__ __6__ __7__ __8__ __9__ __0__
1 2/32.7 1/31.8 4/37.7 5/39.2 9/44.7 8/44.6 3/36.9 6/39.9 0/46.3 7/44.1
2 2/28.7 1/26.9 3/28.9 4/30.5 9/43.1 7/34.8 5/33.8 6/32.5 8/37.9 0/
3 2/31.3 1/31.2 3/29.1 4/27.8 9/ 6/31.4 5/36.3 7/ 8/ 0/46.5
4 2/28.9 1/30.9 3/30.5 4/30.0 7/33.6 5/30.0 6/38.3 0/ 9/46.1 8/37.2
5 4/37.1 1/28.3 3/30.3 2/28.2 7/30.7 5/35.0 6/ 0/ 9/40.1 8/33.0
6 4/35.2 1/31.7 2/31.1 3/35.2 7/43.1 5/30.9 6/40.8 0/ 9/38.3 8/35.0
7 4/27.4 1/28.4 2/31.2 3/29.0 7/32.8 5/ 6/30.8 0/ 9/ 8/34.3
8 4/30.6 1/28.1 2/29.1 3/28.6 7/35.5 5/34.1 6/42.9 0/67.8 9/42.5 8/35.4
9 3/28.5 1/28.9 4/39.1 2/28.0 7/ 5/30.7 6/ 0/30.2 9/42.8 8/
10 3/32.4 1/34.7 4/29.3 2/32.3 7/42.2 5/39.4 8/55.7 0/42.3 9/ 6/39.8
11 3/31.7 1/27.8 4/29.2 2/28.7 6/31.0 5/30.8 8/36.3 0/29.8 9/37.3 7/36.2
12 3/29.0 1/28.6 4/34.8 2/31.0 6/33.7 5/28.8 8/ 0/33.9 9/37.2 7/31.9
13 3/38.6 1/28.1 4/ 2/27.7 6/33.5 5/30.1 9/ 0/37.8 8/36.6 7/
14 3/29.4 1/28.9 4/36.6 2/28.2 6/42.1 5/40.5 9/68.7 0/ 8/ 7/
15 3/ 1/31.9 4/37.1 2/31.1 6/ 5/ 9/34.6 0/35.4 7/43.2 8/79.8
16 3/35.8 1/29.2 4/35.6 2/31.3 6/31.4 5/47.0 8/37.6 0/35.6 9/45.7 7/39.3
17 3/29.2 1/27.6 4/30.0 2/34.2 6/52.6 5/29.1 7/36.6 0/37.6 9/ 8/
18 3/33.8 1/29.6 4/30.0 2/35.5 6/ 5/29.1 7/ 0/29.9 9/46.3 8/44.1
19 3/31.7 1/34.2 4/30.5 2/31.0 6/45.2 5/30.4 7/52.0 0/38.5 9/ 8/
20 3/35.8 1/36.7 4/30.4 2/32.0 6/35.1 5/29.8 7/23.7 0/ 9/ 8/
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
laps 19 20 19 20 16 18 15 13 13 13
time 608.8 604.5 611.3 620.4 610.8 607.2 605.7 591.8 540.9 537.3
The form of the reconstructed race lap times is position/lap time
The blank lap time is when the car was lapped
-- 1/10 2wd Mod Truck - B Main --
Pos Car Laps time name
1 2 2 0:47.76 Joe Willis
2 1 1 0:56.88 Miguel Rapales
-- 3 --- DNS --- Lucas Hamson
-- 4 --- DNS --- Tony Russo
-- 5 --- DNS --- Matt Russo
- 1/10 2wd Mod Truck -
Car-> __1__ __2__ __3__ __4__ __5__ __6__ __7__ __8__ __9__ __0__
1 1/39.5
2 2/56.8 1/ 8.2
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
laps 1 2
time 56.8 47.7
The form of the reconstructed race lap times is position/lap time
The blank lap time is when the car was lapped
Best Heat Lap/Time for 1/10 4wd Mod Buggy:
Toby Hamson with 12/5:04.92
-- 1/10 4wd Mod Buggy - A Main --
Pos Car Laps time name
1 7 23 10:00.90 Derrek Stolk
2 2 23 10:09.21 Damon Bechtel
3 1 23 10:13.65 Toby Hamson
4 3 21 10:00.33 Robert Bishop
5 4 19 9:47.28 Brian Willis
6 6 17 10:15.13 Brian Jacoby
7 5 13 7:58.41 David Fisher
8 9 5 3:28.23 John MacDonald
9 0 4 2:10.65 Kyle Exley
-- 8 --- DNS --- Eddie Armata
- 1/10 4wd Mod Buggy -
Car-> __1__ __2__ __3__ __4__ __5__ __6__ __7__ __8__ __9__ __0__
1 1/31.3 4/33.9 3/33.4 5/36.6 6/38.7 8/45.9 2/32.7 9/55.2 7/40.8
2 1/25.2 3/26.8 4/29.3 5/31.0 8/39.6 7/30.5 2/26.3 9/ 6/28.7
3 1/24.6 3/25.2 4/28.4 5/27.5 8/29.2 7/29.7 2/25.5 9/37.3 6/27.5
4 3/32.9 2/25.0 4/27.7 6/36.0 8/ 7/ 1/25.4 9/31.3 5/33.5
5 3/24.1 2/26.3 4/27.7 6/ 7/46.2 8/ 1/26.0 9/ 5/
6 2/29.0 3/30.3 4/28.1 5/34.8 6/29.8 9/ 1/27.3 8/47.6 7/
7 2/25.0 3/30.7 4/27.2 5/27.7 6/28.7 9/85.5 1/26.4 7/36.6 8/
8 2/29.5 3/25.6 4/28.4 5/28.0 6/ 8/28.2 1/25.2 7/ 9/
9 2/24.3 3/25.2 4/26.9 5/30.3 6/32.7 7/34.9 1/27.5 8/ 9/
10 2/27.0 3/26.0 4/29.9 5/33.4 6/39.2 7/36.1 1/25.2 8/ 9/
11 2/25.8 3/25.7 4/27.7 5/27.9 6/28.8 7/ 1/25.8 8/ 9/
12 2/24.1 3/25.6 4/29.1 5/ 6/27.5 7/42.2 1/25.4 8/ 9/
13 3/30.0 2/25.4 4/ 5/35.4 6/ 7/27.5 1/25.9 8/ 9/
14 3/25.2 2/25.2 4/31.3 5/29.0 6/42.1 7/27.3 1/24.8 8/ 9/
15 3/26.4 2/25.7 4/28.8 5/28.2 6/26.4 7/ 1/26.2 8/ 9/
16 3/24.7 2/25.4 4/27.9 5/26.8 6/ 7/42.2 1/24.8 8/ 9/
17 3/25.2 2/24.7 4/27.5 5/30.9 6/ 7/34.7 1/25.4 8/ 9/
18 3/30.4 2/25.7 4/27.5 5/30.4 6/68.9 7/25.8 1/25.5 8/ 9/
19 3/24.8 2/25.7 4/28.1 5/ 6/ 7/ 1/24.9 8/ 9/
20 3/24.5 2/25.6 4/28.8 5/37.5 7/ 6/39.1 1/25.3 8/ 9/
21 3/24.2 2/25.5 4/28.1 5/28.1 7/ 6/32.3 1/26.4 8/ 9/
22 3/24.2 2/26.1 4/27.4 5/26.7 7/ 6/26.0 1/25.9 8/ 9/
23 3/30.0 2/26.6 4/ 5/ 7/ 6/26.4 1/25.7 8/ 9/
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
laps 23 23 21 19 13 17 23 5 4
time 613.6 609.2 600.3 587.2 478.4 615.1 600.9 208.2 130.6
The form of the reconstructed race lap times is position/lap time
The blank lap time is when the car was lapped
Best Heat Lap/Time for SLASH Spec Oval:
Geoff Miller with 25/5:05.75
-- SLASH Spec Oval - A Main --
Pos Car Laps time name
1 2 23 5:03.00 Mark Stern
2 3 22 5:00.83 Nick Delcampo
3 1 21 5:00.32 Geoff Miller
4 5 21 5:01.99 Richard Brands
5 8 21 5:06.66 Tyler Mastalski
6 4 21 5:21.66 Tom Piersanti
7 0 19 5:06.55 Greg Capriglione
8 7 11 5:17.03 Adam Huyler
9 6 4 0:55.97 Dave Stefans
-- 9 --- DNS --- Brandon Kuralt
- SLASH Spec Oval -
Car-> __1__ __2__ __3__ __4__ __5__ __6__ __7__ __8__ __9__ __0__
1 1/12.0 3/12.9 2/12.4 5/14.5 9/20.3 4/14.2 6/14.8 7/15.8 8/18.0
2 1/12.3 3/14.4 2/12.6 4/13.0 9/13.5 5/13.4 7/15.9 6/13.8 8/13.8
3 1/12.3 3/12.9 2/12.3 8/ 7/12.6 4/14.5 9/ 5/13.2 6/14.1
4 1/12.0 2/12.9 4/20.7 9/29.1 5/13.2 3/13.6 8/20.0 7/19.8 6/14.0
5 2/18.2 1/12.7 3/12.5 9/13.8 4/15.3 7/ 8/17.7 6/14.4 5/16.6
6 3/21.6 1/13.2 2/13.2 8/17.8 4/14.0 9/ 7/16.1 5/13.1 6/
7 3/12.3 1/13.2 2/12.6 7/13.6 4/ 9/ 8/ 5/ 6/17.3
8 3/17.4 1/13.8 2/12.7 7/13.9 6/19.7 9/ 8/ 4/17.6 5/14.7
9 3/ 1/13.1 2/17.8 7/14.1 4/17.0 9/ 8/ 6/21.4 5/19.3
10 3/18.1 1/13.4 2/12.6 7/14.1 6/17.8 9/ 8/ 5/13.0 4/13.9
11 3/12.3 1/12.7 2/12.4 7/12.8 6/12.6 9/ 8/ 5/12.8 4/13.1
12 3/12.6 1/12.8 2/13.3 6/13.0 5/13.2 9/ 8/ 4/12.8 7/
13 3/12.3 1/13.0 2/14.2 6/ 5/12.5 9/ 8/ 4/12.8 7/18.7
14 3/16.5 1/13.4 2/12.4 7/22.2 5/13.7 9/ 8/ 4/13.2 6/17.5
15 3/12.3 1/12.8 2/12.6 6/13.0 5/13.6 9/ 8/ 4/12.7 7/15.0
16 3/13.1 1/12.6 2/12.5 6/13.2 5/12.8 9/ 8/ 4/12.8 7/13.0
17 3/12.1 1/12.7 2/13.0 6/12.9 4/13.2 9/ 8/46.7 5/ 7/
18 3/18.7 1/13.6 2/12.5 6/13.3 4/13.3 9/ 8/13.2 5/17.5 7/21.9
19 3/12.5 1/13.0 2/12.6 6/13.4 4/13.4 9/ 8/13.1 5/18.0 7/18.2
20 3/12.5 1/13.2 2/15.7 6/13.3 4/12.7 9/ 8/17.1 5/12.9 7/13.1
21 3/12.2 1/13.1 2/12.9 6/12.8 4/13.5 9/ 8/ 5/12.5 7/
22 3/15.8 1/13.7 2/16.3 6/14.4 4/13.1 9/ 8/17.4 5/12.7 7/19.1
23 3/ 1/13.0 2/ 6/22.2 4/ 9/ 8/24.4 5/12.9 7/14.2
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
laps 21 23 22 21 21 4 11 21 19
time 300.3 302.9 300.8 321.6 301.9 55.9 317.0 306.6 306.5
The form of the reconstructed race lap times is position/lap time
The blank lap time is when the car was lapped
-- SLASH Spec Oval - B Main --
Pos Car Laps time name
1 1 1 0:07.27 Brandon Kuralt
2 3 1 0:08.21 Greg Capriglione
-- 2 --- DNS --- Dan Dailey
-- 4 --- DNS --- Dan Kehlenbeck
- SLASH Spec Oval -
Car-> __1__ __2__ __3__ __4__ __5__ __6__ __7__ __8__ __9__ __0__
1 1/ 7.2 2/ 8.2
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
laps 1 1
time 7.2 8.2
The form of the reconstructed race lap times is position/lap time
The blank lap time is when the car was lapped
Best Heat Lap/Time for 1/10 Truggy Off Road:
Mark Stern with 12/5:23.74
-- 1/10 Truggy Off Road - A Main --
Pos Car Laps time name
1 1 22 10:22.54 Mark Stern
2 3 21 10:10.50 Geoff Miller
3 2 21 10:17.20 Randy Chiappetta
4 4 20 9:47.18 J.T. Moss
5 5 17 10:25.84 Robert Bishop
-- 6 --- DNS --- Ryan Fisher
-- 7 --- DNS --- Cody Fisher
- 1/10 Truggy Off Road -
Car-> __1__ __2__ __3__ __4__ __5__ __6__ __7__ __8__ __9__ __0__
1 4/32.7 1/29.2 3/30.9 2/30.0 5/43.1
2 4/31.3 1/27.6 3/27.9 2/27.6 5/34.1
3 4/31.6 1/26.7 3/28.5 2/26.4 5/
4 4/26.5 3/36.3 2/29.8 1/32.1 5/42.2
5 4/29.6 2/27.3 3/31.6 1/27.0 5/35.3
6 4/30.0 2/29.7 3/32.4 1/26.6 5/33.2
7 2/26.5 4/38.2 3/27.9 1/26.9 5/33.9
8 2/25.9 4/32.8 3/25.8 1/27.6 5/
9 2/26.8 4/ 3/26.2 1/26.0 5/36.0
10 2/29.6 4/32.2 3/33.1 1/29.5 5/36.3
11 2/28.3 4/29.8 3/27.1 1/27.5 5/34.1
12 2/27.0 4/27.2 3/29.4 1/35.5 5/
13 2/26.2 4/31.3 3/31.2 1/26.9 5/40.4
14 1/26.9 4/27.4 3/28.4 2/32.1 5/37.2
15 1/27.3 4/27.3 3/26.0 2/26.5 5/35.4
16 1/27.9 4/27.0 2/25.9 3/46.0 5/34.4
17 1/26.8 4/26.6 2/26.1 3/27.5 5/
18 1/28.7 4/25.9 2/29.7 3/31.7 5/39.6
19 1/28.2 4/32.3 2/27.6 3/26.6 5/37.1
20 1/26.9 4/26.3 2/29.1 3/26.1 5/34.9
21 1/27.2 4/27.3 2/34.9 3/ 5/
22 1/29.7 3/27.8 2/ 4/ 5/37.9
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
laps 22 21 21 20 17
time 622.5 617.2 610.4 587.1 625.8
The form of the reconstructed race lap times is position/lap time
The blank lap time is when the car was lapped
Best Heat Lap/Time for 4wd Short Truck Mod:
Nick Delcampo with 13/5:17.68
-- 4wd Short Truck Mod - A Main --
Pos Car Laps time name
1 2 24 10:06.81 Toby Hamson
2 4 24 10:14.62 Dave Lemin
3 1 23 10:03.32 Nick Delcampo
4 5 23 10:09.35 Stephen Foley
5 3 23 10:22.91 Mark Stern
6 6 22 10:10.04 Brian Carey
7 8 22 10:18.54 Randy Chiappetta
8 0 21 10:09.03 Damon Bechtel
9 7 21 10:09.47 Tony Russo
10 9 21 10:24.37 Bob Foley
- 4wd Short Truck Mod -
Car-> __1__ __2__ __3__ __4__ __5__ __6__ __7__ __8__ __9__ __0__
1 1/25.8 2/26.4 6/33.9 3/27.2 4/29.7 7/35.5 8/35.6 5/30.5 0/38.0 9/35.9
2 1/23.8 2/23.7 6/25.2 3/25.0 4/25.0 7/25.5 8/26.9 5/26.0 9/29.4 0/34.6
3 1/25.2 2/25.0 5/24.8 3/24.9 4/24.9 7/27.7 8/30.1 6/28.0 9/25.6 0/28.7
4 2/25.9 1/25.3 5/24.6 3/24.8 4/27.0 7/25.4 9/28.9 6/25.1 8/26.2 0/
5 1/24.8 3/27.7 5/24.9 2/24.6 4/25.0 7/24.9 9/ 6/28.8 8/25.9 0/31.0
6 1/25.3 4/28.8 5/25.3 2/25.0 3/24.8 7/29.1 9/30.9 6/26.3 8/25.3 0/27.8
7 3/32.5 2/24.8 4/25.0 1/25.1 5/33.7 7/25.0 9/28.4 6/26.0 8/25.9 0/27.2
8 3/24.9 2/24.3 4/25.0 1/24.8 5/25.6 7/25.0 9/24.2 6/25.6 8/ 0/25.7
9 3/24.2 2/25.5 4/26.1 1/24.9 5/24.8 6/26.2 9/30.4 7/30.8 8/31.2 0/26.4
10 3/24.0 2/24.5 4/27.0 1/24.5 5/25.1 6/25.0 9/25.8 7/26.4 8/28.0 0/28.1
11 3/28.7 2/25.9 4/25.4 1/24.6 5/25.6 7/30.1 9/26.3 6/25.5 8/26.9 0/26.8
12 3/24.5 2/24.3 4/27.6 1/27.7 5/25.2 6/26.2 0/39.8 7/30.2 8/35.3 9/32.3
13 3/25.5 1/24.9 5/28.2 2/29.6 4/26.2 6/25.9 0/ 7/ 8/29.6 9/26.2
14 3/25.4 1/23.7 4/31.9 2/24.7 5/35.6 6/27.4 0/28.5 7/31.0 8/30.4 9/
15 3/23.7 1/24.6 4/27.0 2/24.9 5/ 6/ 0/27.1 7/32.3 8/ 9/29.5
16 3/27.3 1/24.6 4/25.4 2/24.7 5/26.2 6/26.4 9/24.8 7/25.5 8/27.5 0/30.7
17 3/31.1 1/24.0 4/ 2/25.6 5/25.0 6/29.8 9/24.9 7/28.2 8/26.8 0/33.7
18 3/26.2 1/24.6 4/25.8 2/24.6 5/26.3 6/29.1 9/29.6 7/26.3 8/28.3 0/26.0
19 3/25.3 1/27.4 4/25.8 2/24.5 5/24.9 6/27.4 8/26.5 7/ 9/32.6 0/26.7
20 3/27.8 1/25.1 4/25.4 2/25.2 5/23.9 6/26.3 8/27.4 7/33.1 9/27.9 0/25.7
21 3/26.2 1/24.8 5/29.2 2/25.6 4/25.7 6/33.6 8/29.0 7/26.2 9/27.6 0/26.4
22 3/25.1 1/26.3 5/27.1 2/29.0 4/28.2 6/ 8/30.8 7/30.3 9/29.7 0/
23 3/29.1 1/24.8 5/24.9 2/25.3 4/25.0 6/30.8 8/ 7/29.5 9/ 0/31.9
24 3/ 1/24.7 5/36.4 2/26.8 4/24.6 6/26.7 9/32.2 7/26.0 0/45.0 8/26.7
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
laps 23 24 23 24 23 22 21 22 21 21
time 603.3 606.8 622.9 614.6 609.3 610.0 609.4 618.5 624.3 609.0
The form of the reconstructed race lap times is position/lap time
The blank lap time is when the car was lapped
-- 4wd Short Truck Mod - B Main --
Pos Car Laps time name
1 6 11 5:01.54 Bob Foley
2 3 11 5:04.93 Damon Bechtel
3 2 11 5:05.19 Kyle Exley
4 1 11 5:15.35 Adam Zuidema
5 9 11 5:23.66 Terry Mastalski
6 5 11 5:27.98 Tom Piersanti
7 4 11 5:34.05 Derek Zuidema
8 0 10 5:00.04 Dan Moss
9 7 10 5:09.62 Geoff Miller
10 8 10 5:15.26 David Fisher
- 4wd Short Truck Mod -
Car-> __1__ __2__ __3__ __4__ __5__ __6__ __7__ __8__ __9__ __0__
1 1/27.1 3/28.4 9/37.9 2/28.1 8/35.1 6/32.4 4/29.9 5/30.5 0/37.9 7/34.6
2 2/28.7 4/30.3 0/33.3 3/28.4 6/27.3 5/27.3 1/25.9 7/32.1 9/28.1 8/31.1
3 1/25.7 3/28.7 0/25.9 6/34.2 5/27.6 2/26.7 8/39.6 4/26.9 7/27.6 9/30.8
4 1/27.7 3/27.0 8/26.7 4/25.0 6/32.0 2/25.9 0/34.2 5/30.4 7/28.5 9/31.5
5 1/25.9 4/30.8 5/25.3 3/27.3 6/30.4 2/25.5 9/26.1 0/35.9 7/30.3 8/27.4
6 1/28.8 4/27.4 5/26.2 3/26.3 7/29.4 2/29.0 9/29.4 0/34.9 6/26.3 8/28.7
7 1/26.9 4/25.7 5/25.5 3/24.7 7/27.4 2/26.4 9/30.2 0/29.7 6/29.5 8/26.9
8 2/32.4 3/25.0 5/26.6 4/30.7 7/26.4 1/28.6 9/ 0/ 6/26.2 8/29.1
9 2/27.4 3/28.3 4/25.2 5/31.1 7/27.8 1/26.0 9/33.9 0/36.2 6/25.4 8/29.1
10 5/33.9 2/25.4 3/24.8 4/27.5 7/28.2 1/26.6 9/26.9 0/29.1 6/28.6 8/30.3
11 4/30.3 3/27.8 2/27.0 7/50.2 6/35.9 1/26.7 9/33.1 0/29.0 5/34.6 8/
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
laps 11 11 11 11 11 11 10 10 11 10
time 315.3 305.1 304.9 334.0 327.9 301.5 309.6 315.2 323.6 300.0
The form of the reconstructed race lap times is position/lap time
The blank lap time is when the car was lapped
-- 4wd Short Truck Mod - C Main --
Pos Car Laps time name
1 2 11 5:19.82 Terry Mastalski
2 1 10 5:03.19 Dan Moss
3 4 10 5:19.29 Tyler Mastalski
4 5 9 5:06.34 Lucas Hamson
5 3 6 3:11.51 Robert Bishop
-- 6 --- DNS --- Dominick Incantalup
-- 7 --- DNS --- Stingray
-- 8 --- DNS --- Eddie Armata
- 4wd Short Truck Mod -
Car-> __1__ __2__ __3__ __4__ __5__ __6__ __7__ __8__ __9__ __0__
1 3/35.8 4/37.4 2/35.1 5/37.7 1/33.8
2 1/28.3 2/28.6 3/31.5 4/32.6 5/40.4
3 1/29.4 3/29.7 2/28.1 4/30.5 5/28.6
4 1/28.0 2/26.6 3/33.0 4/27.9 5/31.6
5 2/33.1 1/26.7 3/28.3 4/28.1 5/
6 2/29.0 1/26.8 4/35.2 3/32.8 5/43.6
7 2/27.2 1/26.6 4/ 3/30.5 5/32.2
8 2/29.1 1/26.5 5/ 3/33.2 4/31.5
9 2/30.1 1/27.9 5/ 3/28.7 4/31.5
10 2/32.8 1/27.5 5/ 3/36.9 4/32.6
11 2/ 1/34.8 5/ 3/ 4/
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
laps 10 11 6 10 9
time 303.1 319.8 191.5 319.2 306.3
The form of the reconstructed race lap times is position/lap time
The blank lap time is when the car was lapped
Best Heat Lap/Time for 1/10 2wd Mod Buggy:
Frank Pindar with 11/5:14.74
-- 1/10 2wd Mod Buggy - A Main --
Pos Car Laps time name
1 5 20 10:00.98 Tom Piersanti
2 1 20 10:04.26 Frank Pindar
3 6 20 10:18.29 Derek Zuidema
4 3 20 10:29.18 Adam Zuidema
5 4 19 10:33.80 Robert Bishop
6 7 17 10:22.59 Mariano Velazqiz
-- 2 --- DNS --- John Marcotte
- 1/10 2wd Mod Buggy -
Car-> __1__ __2__ __3__ __4__ __5__ __6__ __7__ __8__ __9__ __0__
1 2/37.3 4/43.5 5/45.1 1/33.4 3/40.3 6/49.6
2 1/29.3 4/28.8 5/30.5 2/34.9 3/29.3 6/36.8
3 1/29.1 4/29.1 5/28.1 2/31.9 3/31.6 6/33.4
4 1/30.8 4/31.2 5/29.6 3/30.7 2/27.4 6/35.4
5 1/29.5 4/28.1 5/29.2 2/28.1 3/31.3 6/
6 1/28.1 3/32.6 5/35.3 2/29.2 4/34.5 6/40.0
7 1/29.5 3/34.8 4/31.2 2/28.0 5/36.1 6/30.9
8 1/29.0 3/32.0 5/34.9 2/28.4 4/29.7 6/32.2
9 1/27.4 4/36.9 5/36.2 2/29.0 3/29.7 6/34.8
10 1/30.4 4/28.2 5/ 2/29.2 3/27.8 6/34.7
11 1/32.7 4/28.0 5/34.2 2/30.9 3/30.6 6/
12 1/28.1 4/28.6 5/33.7 2/28.2 3/28.2 6/37.2
13 1/27.4 4/29.6 5/32.5 2/28.4 3/28.1 6/38.7
14 2/31.5 4/ 5/28.4 1/29.1 3/34.5 6/33.6
15 2/30.1 4/36.4 5/32.9 1/27.5 3/ 6/36.2
16 2/30.2 4/29.2 5/32.6 1/28.2 3/36.6 6/
17 2/29.8 4/29.2 5/35.5 1/33.5 3/29.3 6/36.3
18 2/31.3 4/34.8 5/ 1/30.8 3/27.5 6/34.2
19 2/29.3 4/28.5 5/33.0 1/31.0 3/28.9 6/40.7
20 2/32.4 4/28.4 5/33.3 1/29.5 3/27.6 6/
20 2/ 4/30.3 5/36.6 1/ 3/28.4 6/37.0
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
laps 20 20 19 20 20 17
time 604.2 629.1 633.8 600.9 618.2 622.5
The form of the reconstructed race lap times is position/lap time
The blank lap time is when the car was lapped
Best Heat Lap/Time for 1/10 EDM Oval 8.5:
Brian Carey with 28/5:10.25
-- 1/10 EDM Oval 8.5 - A Main --
Pos Car Laps time name
1 2 27 5:06.68 Tom Piersanti
2 1 27 5:08.70 Brian Carey
3 3 26 5:08.88 Brian Peterson JR.
4 4 26 5:10.66 Brian Peterson SR.
5 5 23 5:09.96 Matt Hunt
-- 6 --- DNS --- Stingray
- 1/10 EDM Oval 8.5 -
Car-> __1__ __2__ __3__ __4__ __5__ __6__ __7__ __8__ __9__ __0__
1 1/10.4 2/11.2 5/12.7 3/11.6 4/12.6
2 1/11.3 2/11.0 5/14.9 3/11.5 4/12.2
3 1/11.0 2/11.2 4/11.8 3/11.5 5/14.8
4 1/11.6 2/11.3 4/11.4 3/11.1 5/11.6
5 1/11.1 2/11.1 4/11.4 3/10.8 5/11.3
6 3/14.1 1/11.0 4/11.7 2/12.0 5/16.6
7 1/11.6 2/19.2 4/12.7 3/17.7 5/11.5
8 1/11.1 2/10.8 4/11.6 3/11.6 5/11.1
9 1/10.8 2/10.8 4/11.8 3/11.2 5/
10 1/11.0 2/11.0 4/11.4 3/11.6 5/18.1
11 1/11.1 2/10.6 3/11.2 4/ 5/14.4
12 1/11.7 2/11.1 3/13.2 4/17.4 5/12.5
13 1/11.2 2/10.6 3/11.3 4/11.4 5/11.4
14 1/11.2 2/10.5 3/11.3 4/11.2 5/11.4
15 1/11.2 2/11.0 3/11.3 4/11.3 5/11.3
16 1/11.2 2/10.8 3/11.5 4/11.2 5/
17 1/11.1 2/11.0 3/11.5 4/11.1 5/22.9
18 2/13.5 1/11.1 3/11.5 4/15.0 5/11.8
19 2/11.0 1/11.0 3/12.0 4/10.9 5/
20 2/11.4 1/10.9 3/11.6 4/11.4 5/14.2
21 2/11.2 1/11.0 3/11.1 4/11.2 5/11.3
22 2/11.2 1/10.9 3/11.4 4/11.2 5/15.6
23 2/10.9 1/11.3 3/ 4/10.9 5/11.2
24 2/11.2 1/11.3 3/11.7 4/11.3 5/11.3
25 2/11.8 1/11.4 3/11.7 4/11.0 5/14.0
26 2/11.2 1/11.0 3/11.3 4/11.0 5/
27 2/11.6 1/11.3 3/12.5 4/11.5 5/15.6
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
laps 27 27 26 26 23
time 308.7 306.6 308.8 310.6 309.9
The form of the reconstructed race lap times is position/lap time
The blank lap time is when the car was lapped
Best Heat Lap/Time for 2wd Short Truck Mod:
Dave Lemin with 12/5:25.91
-- 2wd Short Truck Mod - A Main --
Pos Car Laps time name
1 1 21 10:00.49 Dave Lemin
2 3 21 10:02.67 Frank Pindar
3 4 19 10:12.53 Mark Stern
4 7 18 10:05.93 Kyle Exley
5 6 17 10:00.26 Derek Zuidema
6 8 16 10:18.67 Terry Mastalski
7 9 12 8:18.55 Jeremy Hiles
-- 2 --- DNS --- John Marcotte
-- 5 --- DNS --- Tony Russo
- 2wd Short Truck Mod -
Car-> __1__ __2__ __3__ __4__ __5__ __6__ __7__ __8__ __9__ __0__
1 2/34.0 1/29.3 4/36.7 7/47.3 3/35.9 6/46.3 5/43.6
2 2/28.5 1/28.6 4/32.1 7/ 3/32.0 6/ 5/36.3
3 2/28.5 1/28.3 3/28.9 6/39.3 4/32.5 7/42.4 5/
4 2/28.4 1/27.9 3/30.5 5/37.2 4/36.9 7/37.1 6/45.7
5 1/27.2 2/32.8 3/29.4 5/31.3 4/31.0 7/46.5 6/34.6
6 1/26.5 2/28.6 3/35.7 5/31.6 4/32.3 7/ 6/40.2
7 1/28.3 2/28.4 3/30.4 5/ 4/ 7/40.0 6/
8 1/30.0 2/27.9 3/31.0 6/55.2 4/34.6 7/38.2 5/37.3
9 1/25.8 2/27.8 3/ 5/31.7 4/36.9 7/ 6/37.6
10 2/33.5 1/27.4 3/32.6 5/29.7 4/32.7 7/42.6 6/
11 2/27.2 1/29.0 3/31.4 5/31.0 4/30.9 7/37.3 6/45.6
12 2/25.9 1/27.2 3/36.3 5/30.7 4/35.1 7/36.4 6/35.1
13 1/28.2 2/30.3 3/31.5 5/29.8 4/ 7/32.6 6/37.5
14 1/30.1 2/29.9 3/31.2 5/31.7 4/39.4 7/ 6/
15 1/26.4 2/28.3 3/31.1 5/ 4/32.0 7/33.7 6/38.2
16 1/28.0 2/27.7 3/32.4 5/30.6 4/34.2 6/39.6 7/
17 2/31.7 1/28.0 3/33.2 5/35.2 4/30.4 6/32.8 7/66.4
18 1/27.2 2/28.3 3/ 5/39.3 4/ 6/ 7/
19 1/26.8 2/28.3 3/37.0 5/32.2 4/35.8 6/38.0 7/
20 1/26.0 2/28.7 3/29.8 5/35.5 4/30.4 6/36.6 7/
21 1/31.3 2/29.0 3/30.3 5/ 4/32.0 6/37.8 7/
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
laps 21 21 19 17 18 16 12
time 600.4 602.6 612.5 600.2 605.9 618.6 498.5
The form of the reconstructed race lap times is position/lap time
The blank lap time is when the car was lapped
-- 2wd Short Truck Mod - B Main --
Pos Car Laps time name
1 1 1 0:17.50 Terry Mastalski
2 3 1 0:19.84 Jeremy Hiles
-- 2 --- DNS --- Dominick Armata
-- 4 --- DNS --- Dominick Incantalup
-- 5 --- DNS --- Glenn Crane
- 2wd Short Truck Mod -
Car-> __1__ __2__ __3__ __4__ __5__ __6__ __7__ __8__ __9__ __0__
1 1/17.4 2/19.8
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
laps 1 1
time 17.4 19.8
The form of the reconstructed race lap times is position/lap time
The blank lap time is when the car was lapped
Best Heat Lap/Time for 1/8 Buggy Nitro O.R.:
Stephen Foley with 13/5:22.26
-- 1/8 Buggy Nitro O.R. - A Main --
Pos Car Laps time name
1 2 24 10:24.54 Derrek Stolk
2 1 24 10:33.52 Stephen Foley
3 5 21 10:14.25 Brian Jacoby
4 4 21 10:23.86 Bob O'Sullivan
5 6 19 9:46.47 Terry Mastalski
6 7 15 10:22.60 John MacDonald
7 3 12 6:36.85 Mike Vrabel
-- 8 --- DNS --- Eddie Armata
-- 9 --- DNS --- Herman O.
- 1/8 Buggy Nitro O.R. -
Car-> __1__ __2__ __3__ __4__ __5__ __6__ __7__ __8__ __9__ __0__
1 6/40.7 1/28.0 2/29.9 3/31.0 4/33.3 5/35.6
2 6/25.9 1/24.2 2/25.6 3/27.5 4/28.0 5/26.8 7/52.6
3 6/29.2 1/24.2 2/25.2 5/32.7 3/25.8 4/26.0 7/
4 6/23.8 1/24.7 2/25.4 5/27.0 3/28.2 4/28.0 7/51.0
5 3/24.8 1/24.5 2/28.6 6/33.2 5/31.8 4/28.2 7/32.2
6 3/23.8 1/26.9 2/23.9 6/ 4/29.6 5/ 7/37.6
7 3/24.2 1/24.8 2/26.7 5/28.8 4/ 6/37.8 7/
8 3/26.6 1/24.0 2/25.8 4/27.2 5/35.1 6/35.1 7/37.2
9 2/24.3 1/24.9 3/40.3 4/26.4 5/29.8 6/28.9 7/37.8
10 2/24.7 1/29.1 3/ 4/26.1 5/29.1 6/26.7 7/
11 2/25.8 1/24.4 3/30.7 4/26.4 5/25.7 6/29.7 7/59.7
12 2/23.7 1/28.7 6/ 3/30.5 4/27.7 5/26.3 7/
13 2/26.3 1/25.0 6/ 3/28.0 4/31.1 5/32.8 7/32.8
14 2/28.1 1/28.9 6/96.8 3/32.6 4/ 5/ 7/
15 2/26.0 1/25.5 6/17.3 3/ 4/33.2 5/28.1 7/47.5
16 2/26.8 1/28.2 6/ 5/47.9 4/30.2 3/27.3 7/44.0
17 2/24.8 1/24.4 6/ 5/32.8 4/32.1 3/26.6 7/
18 2/29.4 1/24.7 6/ 4/28.0 3/28.9 5/45.9 7/34.2
19 2/23.9 1/25.5 6/ 4/27.4 3/29.2 5/ 7/33.3
20 2/23.8 1/25.3 6/ 4/27.9 3/25.6 5/27.1 7/
21 2/24.4 1/26.0 7/ 4/26.3 3/25.9 5/28.8 6/49.8
22 2/23.6 1/28.8 7/ 4/ 3/26.7 5/39.9 6/31.7
23 2/23.9 1/24.2 7/ 4/29.0 3/26.4 5/ 6/40.6
24 2/34.1 1/28.4 7/ 4/25.9 3/ 5/ 6/
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
laps 24 24 12 21 21 19 15
time 633.5 624.5 396.8 623.8 614.2 586.4 622.6
The form of the reconstructed race lap times is position/lap time
The blank lap time is when the car was lapped
Best Heat Lap/Time for 1/10 Sprint Car Mod:
Mark Stern with 28/5:05.33
-- 1/10 Sprint Car Mod - A Main --
Pos Car Laps time name
1 1 27 5:03.71 Mark Stern
2 4 26 5:02.79 Brian Peterson JR.
3 5 26 5:06.62 Brian Carey
4 2 26 5:09.76 Adam Zuidema
5 6 25 5:05.54 Bob Foley
6 7 23 5:07.61 Brian Peterson SR.
7 3 23 5:11.24 Geoff Miller
-- 8 --- DNS --- Matt Hunt
-- 9 --- DNS --- Stingray
- 1/10 Sprint Car Mod -
Car-> __1__ __2__ __3__ __4__ __5__ __6__ __7__ __8__ __9__ __0__
1 1/11.3 7/15.0 2/11.9 3/12.0 4/12.5 5/13.3 6/14.0
2 1/10.8 6/10.7 4/11.4 2/10.9 3/10.7 5/10.8 7/15.9
3 1/10.5 4/11.8 6/15.4 2/10.8 5/14.7 3/10.6 7/
4 1/10.7 3/11.0 6/11.3 2/10.7 4/11.1 5/14.4 7/18.9
5 1/10.6 6/13.4 5/11.0 2/11.5 4/11.6 3/11.2 7/11.3
6 1/10.3 6/11.1 4/10.7 2/10.8 5/11.5 3/11.0 7/10.9
7 1/10.6 5/10.6 3/11.4 2/15.2 4/11.1 6/14.0 7/10.5
8 1/11.0 4/11.1 6/13.2 2/11.2 3/10.6 5/10.8 7/11.4
9 1/11.3 3/11.4 5/12.6 6/16.3 2/11.2 4/12.0 7/
10 1/12.8 3/10.8 5/11.0 6/10.8 2/10.9 4/11.2 7/20.5
11 1/10.8 3/10.6 6/ 4/10.4 2/10.4 5/ 7/10.8
12 1/11.0 3/12.6 6/14.8 4/10.4 2/10.9 5/15.0 7/
13 1/11.3 3/10.6 6/12.5 4/10.4 2/10.9 5/11.3 7/20.1
14 1/10.7 3/10.8 6/13.9 4/12.2 2/11.0 5/14.8 7/11.1
15 1/10.6 3/10.7 6/10.9 4/10.8 2/10.6 5/11.0 7/10.8
16 1/10.8 4/ 6/16.1 2/11.2 3/ 5/11.2 7/12.2
17 1/15.4 3/20.2 6/11.2 2/10.7 4/24.3 5/13.9 7/20.4
18 1/10.8 3/10.9 6/ 2/11.5 4/12.0 5/14.6 7/14.7
19 1/12.4 4/14.5 6/18.2 2/11.4 3/11.2 5/11.2 7/11.3
20 1/11.6 4/11.1 6/11.9 2/10.9 3/10.6 5/10.6 7/
21 1/11.3 4/13.5 6/ 2/15.8 3/11.1 5/13.9 7/13.6
22 1/11.2 4/11.1 6/ 2/11.4 3/11.3 5/ 7/12.5
23 1/11.5 4/10.5 6/30.2 2/11.2 3/10.9 5/13.7 7/10.9
24 1/10.8 4/10.8 6/11.9 2/10.8 3/11.0 5/10.9 7/11.1
25 1/10.6 4/10.7 6/11.4 2/10.9 3/10.8 5/10.7 7/10.7
26 1/10.7 4/11.4 6/11.4 2/11.0 3/10.6 5/11.2 7/11.1
27 1/11.0 4/11.6 7/15.8 2/ 3/11.8 5/10.8 6/11.8
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
laps 27 26 23 26 26 25 23
time 303.7 309.7 311.2 302.7 306.6 305.5 307.6
The form of the reconstructed race lap times is position/lap time
The blank lap time is when the car was lapped
Best Heat Lap/Time for 1/8 Buggy Electric:
Toby Hamson with 13/5:20.88
-- 1/8 Buggy Electric - A Main --
Pos Car Laps time name
1 1 24 10:11.68 Toby Hamson
2 3 23 10:02.95 Brian Carey
3 5 23 10:09.90 Kyle Exley
4 4 23 10:12.55 Mark Stern
5 7 22 10:37.85 Geoff Miller
6 8 20 10:34.41 Brian Jacoby
7 2 17 8:02.13 Nick Delcampo
8 6 6 2:48.73 Damon Bechtel
-- 9 --- DNS --- Dominick Incantalup
- 1/8 Buggy Electric -
Car-> __1__ __2__ __3__ __4__ __5__ __6__ __7__ __8__ __9__ __0__
1 3/27.6 1/25.0 2/26.5 5/29.6 4/28.5 6/31.0 7/31.7 8/32.3
2 3/25.6 1/23.2 2/25.2 4/24.9 5/28.4 7/30.2 6/26.7 8/32.5
3 4/30.0 1/29.2 6/35.2 2/25.5 5/28.0 7/29.8 3/24.5 8/32.2
4 3/24.2 1/23.2 4/24.0 2/25.1 5/27.0 7/25.8 6/30.2 8/
5 3/23.0 1/23.5 4/24.4 2/24.8 5/24.5 7/25.8 6/26.4 8/28.5
6 2/30.0 1/23.3 4/29.1 5/36.0 3/24.7 6/25.8 7/29.7 8/36.6
7 3/27.0 1/24.2 4/23.7 5/26.0 2/24.7 6/ 7/ 8/26.7
8 2/25.8 1/23.6 3/25.6 5/24.1 4/29.1 8/ 6/28.5 7/29.8
9 1/23.8 5/ 2/25.1 4/31.1 3/25.4 8/ 6/26.9 7/26.4
10 1/23.8 6/61.1 2/24.9 4/24.5 3/25.2 8/ 5/29.7 7/28.3
11 1/23.4 5/28.4 2/24.7 4/26.0 3/25.7 8/ 6/38.3 7/31.0
12 1/24.5 5/28.9 2/26.1 4/28.6 3/28.0 8/ 6/30.9 7/28.4
13 1/24.2 5/22.6 2/25.6 4/25.2 3/28.3 8/ 6/23.8 7/
14 1/24.8 5/24.3 2/27.1 4/25.2 3/26.0 8/ 6/28.0 7/36.0
15 1/24.0 5/25.1 2/26.0 4/25.3 3/24.4 8/ 6/27.0 7/28.3
16 1/24.2 5/28.6 2/25.1 3/26.6 4/ 8/ 6/ 7/32.3
17 1/23.5 5/36.2 2/26.4 3/24.4 4/34.7 8/ 6/27.9 7/
18 1/24.7 5/ 2/25.6 3/ 4/24.8 8/ 6/28.0 7/35.2
19 1/24.8 5/30.8 2/28.7 3/27.3 4/25.3 8/ 6/24.6 7/33.8
20 1/24.0 6/ 2/25.7 4/29.1 3/25.9 8/ 5/30.4 7/28.4
21 1/24.0 6/ 2/25.8 4/25.5 3/23.8 8/ 5/31.3 7/
22 1/27.1 7/ 2/25.3 4/26.0 3/26.1 8/ 5/24.8 6/28.9
23 1/31.9 7/ 2/26.0 4/25.8 3/25.1 8/ 5/24.6 6/39.6
24 1/24.4 7/ 2/ 4/25.0 3/25.0 8/ 5/43.0 6/38.3
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
laps 24 17 23 23 23 6 22 20
time 611.6 482.1 602.9 612.5 609.8 168.7 637.8 634.4
The form of the reconstructed race lap times is position/lap time
The blank lap time is when the car was lapped
Best Heat Lap/Time for SLASH Spec Off Road:
Stephen Foley with 11/5:18.15
-- SLASH Spec Off Road - A Main --
Pos Car Laps time name
1 1 20 10:05.53 Stephen Foley
2 2 19 10:37.86 Matt Stefans
3 4 18 10:17.85 Damian Van Riper
-- 3 --- DNS --- John Weinand
-- 5 --- DNS --- Steven Thompson
-- 6 --- DNS --- Kyle Exley
- SLASH Spec Off Road -
Car-> __1__ __2__ __3__ __4__ __5__ __6__ __7__ __8__ __9__ __0__
1 1/32.8 2/34.9 3/40.1
2 1/28.5 2/37.3 3/33.7
3 1/29.7 2/30.4 3/31.2
4 1/29.8 2/30.5 3/35.8
5 1/32.3 2/29.0 3/32.6
6 1/30.6 2/33.5 3/37.2
7 1/29.5 2/32.7 3/
8 1/29.8 2/29.6 3/34.3
9 1/29.1 2/31.4 3/30.4
10 1/29.8 2/32.8 3/34.4
11 1/28.7 2/29.5 3/33.0
12 1/29.3 2/29.7 3/33.7
13 1/29.8 2/35.1 3/31.2
14 1/28.1 2/ 3/35.8
15 1/34.8 2/36.6 3/32.4
16 1/29.5 2/36.2 3/32.4
17 1/29.8 2/37.5 3/
18 1/34.1 2/32.3 3/39.7
19 1/30.5 2/29.9 3/37.0
20 1/28.1 2/48.1 3/31.9
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
laps 20 19 18
time 605.5 637.8 617.8
The form of the reconstructed race lap times is position/lap time
The blank lap time is when the car was lapped
Best Heat Lap/Time for 1/8 Truggy Off-Road:
Nick Delcampo with 13/5:09.73
-- 1/8 Truggy Off-Road - A Main --
Pos Car Laps time name
1 3 24 10:06.01 Saul Raabe
2 1 24 10:16.76 Nick Delcampo
3 2 23 10:02.67 Brian Carey
4 6 23 10:20.47 Matt Stefans
5 4 22 10:08.55 Mike Vrabel
6 5 22 10:28.75 Toby Hamson
7 8 17 9:00.38 Mariano Velazqiz
8 9 15 10:04.89 John Weinand
9 7 12 6:51.21 Damon Bechtel
-- 0 --- DNS --- Samantha Olberding
- 1/8 Truggy Off-Road -
Car-> __1__ __2__ __3__ __4__ __5__ __6__ __7__ __8__ __9__ __0__
1 2/25.2 4/28.0 1/23.4 5/28.6 3/25.6 8/39.5 6/34.2 7/34.7
2 2/23.8 4/25.4 1/24.1 9/56.1 5/28.5 3/25.7 8/27.7 7/29.0 6/26.3
3 1/23.0 4/25.6 2/26.7 9/26.1 5/24.9 3/24.7 7/27.2 8/ 6/24.8
4 1/26.7 4/28.5 3/31.9 9/26.5 5/26.7 2/25.9 7/ 8/41.1 6/
5 2/29.0 5/30.0 1/ 7.0 8/29.7 4/26.1 3/26.3 7/31.2 9/35.7 6/29.3
6 2/24.6 5/24.9 1/29.1 8/25.8 4/24.1 3/25.7 7/25.8 9/26.3 6/29.2
7 5/37.0 3/25.3 1/25.2 8/26.6 4/29.6 2/25.0 7/25.4 9/ 6/25.4
8 3/23.4 4/25.1 1/26.0 8/25.3 5/ 2/24.7 7/31.1 9/27.8 6/30.7
9 3/24.8 4/27.8 1/24.4 8/24.9 5/42.2 2/25.6 7/28.4 9/29.8 6/32.6
10 3/25.1 4/27.7 1/25.5 8/26.3 6/32.7 2/25.6 7/28.4 9/27.8 5/29.3
11 3/24.1 4/25.8 1/27.3 5/26.0 6/30.4 2/25.8 8/ 9/27.4 7/
12 3/26.6 4/25.8 1/25.9 5/24.8 6/26.9 2/26.4 9/ 8/27.0 7/38.3
13 2/26.1 4/25.7 1/25.3 5/24.4 6/ 3/34.3 9/ 8/33.5 7/36.4
14 2/27.9 3/25.3 1/25.8 5/26.0 6/30.4 4/31.1 9/91.6 7/30.5 8/36.2
15 2/24.3 3/25.0 1/25.8 5/24.2 6/23.8 4/25.9 9/28.0 7/ 8/
16 2/23.9 3/25.1 1/25.7 5/24.6 6/28.7 4/ 9/26.3 7/37.3 8/
17 2/24.0 3/25.1 1/24.3 5/25.1 6/24.7 4/29.9 9/ 7/34.5 8/
18 2/23.5 3/26.5 1/30.4 5/32.2 6/30.5 4/30.1 9/ 7/26.6 8/
19 2/24.1 3/25.9 1/25.4 5/26.8 6/24.3 4/25.1 9/ 7/34.6 8/
20 2/27.2 3/25.7 1/24.9 5/25.6 6/26.8 4/30.6 9/ 7/ 8/
21 2/24.1 3/25.3 1/24.5 5/ 6/31.6 4/31.4 9/ 7/36.4 8/65.4
22 2/25.3 3/26.4 1/24.0 5/28.9 6/25.0 4/25.2 9/ 7/ 8/35.1
23 2/24.8 3/25.7 1/26.9 5/24.8 6/28.3 4/24.5 9/ 7/ 8/30.5
24 2/27.1 3/ 1/25.2 5/26.8 6/33.1 4/24.3 9/ 7/ 8/
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
laps 24 23 24 22 22 23 12 17 15
time 616.7 602.6 606.0 608.5 628.7 620.4 411.2 540.3 604.8
The form of the reconstructed race lap times is position/lap time
The blank lap time is when the car was lapped
Best Heat Lap/Time for 1/8 Elect Late Model:
Mark Stern with 31/5:01.53
-- 1/8 Elect Late Model - A Main --
Pos Car Laps time name
1 1 30 5:02.82 Mark Stern
2 2 29 5:01.84 Adam Zuidema
3 6 22 5:04.94 Brian Peterson JR.
4 4 8 1:41.23 Brian Peterson SR.
5 3 7 3:24.65 Brian Carey
-- 5 --- DNS --- Stingray
- 1/8 Elect Late Model -
Car-> __1__ __2__ __3__ __4__ __5__ __6__ __7__ __8__ __9__ __0__
1 1/ 9.8 2/10.3 3/10.7 4/12.0 5/13.3
2 1/10.0 4/16.1 2/10.1 3/11.3 5/
3 1/10.2 4/10.1 2/10.0 3/10.9 5/22.8
4 1/ 9.6 4/12.6 2/10.0 3/10.9 5/12.8
5 1/10.2 4/ 9.9 2/10.1 3/10.6 5/
6 1/ 9.7 3/10.3 4/ 2/11.0 5/18.7
7 1/11.1 2/10.0 4/ 3/13.1 5/12.6
8 1/10.9 2/10.0 4/33.8 3/ 5/10.5
9 1/11.7 2/10.3 5/ 3/21.0 4/10.6
10 1/11.4 2/ 9.8 5/ 3/ 4/
11 1/10.0 2/10.7 5/ 3/ 4/16.1
12 1/10.0 2/ 9.7 5/ 4/ 3/10.5
13 1/ 9.9 2/10.7 5/ 4/ 3/10.8
14 1/ 9.6 2/ 9.9 5/ 4/ 3/14.9
15 1/10.0 2/10.0 5/ 4/ 3/
16 1/10.0 2/ 9.6 5/ 4/ 3/11.6
17 1/ 9.7 2/10.3 5/ 4/ 3/10.9
18 1/ 9.7 2/ 9.8 5/ 4/ 3/10.8
19 1/ 9.8 2/ 9.8 5/ 4/ 3/
20 1/ 9.4 2/10.0 5/19.6 4/ 3/21.2
21 1/ 9.4 2/10.0 5/ 4/ 3/10.6
22 1/ 9.7 2/10.3 5/ 4/ 3/
23 1/10.9 2/10.0 5/ 4/ 3/19.0
24 1/ 9.7 2/ 9.6 5/ 4/ 3/10.9
25 1/ 9.3 2/10.0 5/ 4/ 3/
26 1/10.0 2/ 9.9 5/ 4/ 3/17.9
27 1/ 9.5 2/10.1 5/ 4/ 3/
28 1/10.4 2/10.1 5/ 4/ 3/16.9
29 1/10.1 2/10.3 5/ 4/ 3/10.2
30 1/ 9.6 2/ 5/ 4/ 3/10.2
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
laps 30 29 7 8 22
time 302.8 301.8 204.6 101.2 304.9
The form of the reconstructed race lap times is position/lap time
The blank lap time is when the car was lapped
Best Heat Lap/Time for 1/8 Nitro Late Model:
Toby Hamson with 29/5:09.24
-- 1/8 Nitro Late Model - A Main --
Pos Car Laps time name
1 2 29 5:00.64 Nick Delcampo
2 1 29 5:05.00 Toby Hamson
3 8 29 5:05.60 Matt Stefans
4 4 27 5:02.62 Dave Stefans
5 3 25 5:07.65 Derek Zuidema
6 6 8 1:57.45 Adam Zuidema
-- 9 --- DNS --- Stephen Foley
-- 7 --- DNS --- Glenn Crane
- 1/8 Nitro Late Model -
Car-> __1__ __2__ __3__ __4__ __5__ __6__ __7__ __8__ __9__ __0__
1 1/10.4 2/10.8 3/11.5 5/14.4 6/15.4 4/12.6
2 1/10.5 2/10.4 3/10.9 5/12.0 6/ 4/10.9
3 2/11.2 1/10.4 3/11.1 5/10.6 6/17.8 4/10.7
4 2/10.3 1/10.5 4/14.7 5/11.9 6/17.5 3/10.6
5 3/14.9 1/10.5 4/10.2 5/10.6 6/ 2/11.1
6 3/10.3 1/10.3 5/ 4/11.7 6/13.3 2/10.5
7 3/10.2 1/10.3 5/20.7 4/10.2 6/17.0 2/10.3
8 3/10.3 1/10.1 5/12.3 4/10.3 6/ 2/10.4
9 3/10.0 1/10.6 5/11.0 4/10.4 6/13.4 2/10.3
10 3/ 9.9 1/10.4 5/ 4/ 6/11.6 2/10.2
11 3/13.0 1/10.2 5/19.3 4/12.4 6/11.1 2/13.3
12 3/10.4 1/10.4 5/10.2 4/10.5 6/ 2/10.0
13 3/10.7 1/10.1 5/11.6 4/11.4 6/ 2/10.2
14 3/10.2 1/ 9.8 5/11.8 4/10.4 6/ 2/10.3
15 3/11.8 1/10.5 5/ 9.9 4/10.2 6/ 2/ 9.9
16 3/ 9.6 1/10.3 5/ 9.8 4/10.5 6/ 2/10.1
17 3/10.2 1/ 9.9 5/ 9.9 4/10.4 6/ 2/10.2
18 3/ 9.7 1/10.1 5/ 4/11.6 6/ 2/ 9.9
19 3/ 9.4 1/10.3 5/11.8 4/10.7 6/ 2/ 9.9
20 3/ 9.9 1/10.4 5/11.0 4/10.2 6/ 2/10.1
21 3/11.3 1/10.1 5/10.9 4/15.0 6/ 2/ 9.9
22 3/10.8 1/10.3 5/ 4/ 6/ 2/10.8
23 3/ 9.8 1/10.5 5/23.4 4/14.1 6/ 2/10.2
24 3/ 9.6 1/10.0 5/10.4 4/10.6 6/ 2/10.2
25 3/ 9.8 1/10.2 5/ 9.9 4/ 9.9 6/ 2/10.2
26 3/ 9.7 1/10.5 5/10.6 4/10.3 6/ 2/10.4
27 3/ 9.7 1/10.2 5/10.1 4/10.3 6/ 2/10.3
28 2/10.0 1/10.4 5/13.5 4/10.4 6/ 3/10.8
29 2/ 9.7 1/10.5 5/10.0 4/10.3 6/ 3/10.0
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
laps 29 29 25 27 8 29
time 304.9 300.6 307.6 302.6 117.4 305.6
The form of the reconstructed race lap times is position/lap time
The blank lap time is when the car was lapped
Best Heat Lap/Time for VINTAGE:
Frank Pindar with --- DNS ---
-- VINTAGE - A Main --
Pos Car Laps time name
-- 1 --- DNS --- Frank Pindar
-- 2 --- DNS --- John Marcotte