Best Heat Lap/Time for Novice Oval:
Alec Hamson with 20/5:16.66
-- Novice Oval - A Main --
Pos Car Laps time name
1 3 18 5:28.80 Morgan Oleary
2 4 16 5:09.74 Vincent Trormini
3 2 14 5:02.75 Alexis Chiappetta
4 5 12 5:08.25 Dominic Taormina
-- 1 --- DNS --- Alec Hamson 9063035
- Novice Oval -
Car-> __1__ __2__ __3__ __4__ __5__ __6__ __7__ __8__ __9__ __0__
1 1/13.6 2/16.1 3/18.0 4/28.8
2 3/25.5 1/17.6 2/21.1 4/
3 3/ 1/17.0 2/23.9 4/34.6
4 3/43.3 1/17.4 2/21.8 4/
5 3/14.4 1/17.2 2/ 4/33.0
6 3/20.8 1/17.1 2/21.8 4/21.8
7 3/13.8 1/16.9 2/18.4 4/
8 3/ 1/17.1 2/22.8 4/33.1
9 3/38.8 1/17.3 2/23.7 4/
10 3/ 1/18.6 2/18.4 4/30.6
11 3/ 1/17.6 2/18.0 4/19.1
12 3/39.6 1/18.4 2/17.0 4/19.1
13 3/19.3 1/18.0 2/18.4 4/20.0
14 3/15.4 1/17.6 2/15.9 4/
15 3/15.0 1/17.8 2/ 4/21.2
16 3/14.3 1/17.0 2/17.1 4/
17 3/14.0 1/17.7 2/16.8 4/29.7
18 3/14.3 1/31.5 2/15.8 4/16.7
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
laps 14 18 16 12
time 302.7 328.8 309.7 308.2
The form of the reconstructed race lap times is position/lap time
The blank lap time is when the car was lapped
Best Heat Lap/Time for 4wd Short Truck Mod:
Jay Zellner with 14/5:06.90
-- 4wd Short Truck Mod - A Main --
Pos Car Laps time name
1 1 23 8:03.53 Jay Zellner
2 4 23 8:27.26 Thomas Hartensveld
3 2 21 8:01.04 Mark Stern
4 3 21 8:02.31 Bob O'Sullivan
5 5 21 8:03.29 Chris Conklin
6 6 21 8:09.74 Scott Salzer
7 8 21 8:11.37 John Wazirmus
8 9 21 8:25.67 Vinny Taormina
9 0 20 8:02.56 Matt Stefans
10 7 9 4:51.36 Brian Carey
- 4wd Short Truck Mod -
Car-> __1__ __2__ __3__ __4__ __5__ __6__ __7__ __8__ __9__ __0__
1 1/18.3 2/19.3 4/21.5 3/20.4 6/24.7 5/23.5 0/27.2 7/24.7 8/25.2 9/25.9
2 1/20.5 2/21.8 4/21.3 3/20.8 6/22.5 5/22.1 0/24.1 9/24.6 7/22.8 8/22.9
3 1/21.1 2/22.2 4/21.7 3/22.7 6/21.6 5/22.2 0/22.3 9/22.9 7/22.3 8/22.1
4 1/21.1 3/22.0 4/21.7 2/21.3 6/23.6 5/23.0 0/27.0 8/21.6 9/24.3 7/21.9
5 1/20.5 3/24.0 4/23.8 2/21.6 8/26.8 5/24.3 0/ 7/23.1 9/ 6/23.7
6 1/24.1 3/21.6 4/21.4 2/22.5 7/21.3 5/22.1 0/33.3 8/26.8 9/36.3 6/22.4
7 1/20.6 4/26.6 3/22.9 2/21.3 7/21.5 5/22.2 0/26.3 8/20.6 9/22.1 6/21.7
8 1/20.4 4/22.2 3/22.0 2/21.0 6/22.4 5/24.1 0/ 7/21.0 9/21.8 8/
9 1/20.0 4/22.3 3/21.5 2/21.0 6/21.2 5/21.7 0/ 7/21.2 9/21.2 8/29.4
10 1/21.0 4/21.6 3/21.6 2/20.7 5/20.9 6/ 0/48.9 7/ 9/24.6 8/21.2
11 1/20.4 4/21.8 3/22.2 2/24.7 5/21.2 6/22.7 0/ 7/22.7 9/21.1 8/22.3
12 1/20.6 4/21.6 3/23.5 2/23.2 5/ 6/21.0 0/54.8 8/30.7 9/22.5 7/21.9
13 1/21.5 4/ 3/22.1 2/20.7 5/22.8 6/22.8 0/27.0 8/24.1 9/23.9 7/21.8
14 1/21.4 6/29.7 3/21.8 2/23.4 4/22.0 5/24.2 0/ 8/21.9 9/21.9 7/21.6
15 1/21.3 5/21.7 3/21.7 2/21.1 4/23.2 6/23.4 0/ 8/21.4 9/20.7 7/25.7
16 1/20.3 5/24.3 3/ 2/21.6 4/26.1 7/31.2 0/ 8/ 9/ 6/23.9
17 1/21.8 5/22.4 3/26.6 2/20.9 4/21.7 6/21.7 0/ 9/28.8 8/24.9 7/26.6
18 1/21.5 4/23.2 3/26.4 2/20.8 6/31.0 5/21.3 0/ 9/26.6 8/22.3 7/
19 1/20.1 4/22.4 3/22.8 2/22.0 5/22.1 6/ 0/ 9/21.9 7/24.2 8/28.5
20 1/21.6 4/23.0 3/24.1 2/23.9 5/21.5 6/25.5 0/ 7/21.4 8/25.6 9/28.1
21 1/20.4 4/23.0 3/24.5 2/20.2 5/ 6/20.8 0/ 7/21.8 8/22.3 9/22.4
22 1/20.7 3/23.2 4/26.3 2/22.1 5/21.7 6/26.7 0/ 7/21.0 8/26.7 9/27.5
23 1/23.2 3/ 4/ 2/28.5 5/22.5 6/22.1 0/ 7/21.3 8/27.9 9/
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
laps 23 21 21 23 21 21 9 21 21 20
time 483.5 481.0 482.3 507.2 483.2 489.7 291.3 491.3 505.6 482.5
The form of the reconstructed race lap times is position/lap time
The blank lap time is when the car was lapped
-- 4wd Short Truck Mod - B Main --
Pos Car Laps time name
1 9 13 5:04.56 Vinny Taormina
2 0 13 5:07.49 Matt Stefans
3 1 13 5:18.25 Dave Garcia
4 5 12 5:14.96 Cameron Winslow
5 2 12 5:22.52 Howie Bedell
6 3 11 5:19.94 Greg Capriglione
7 6 10 5:21.18 Brian Currey
8 7 8 5:05.22 Jafar Zaid
9 8 4 5:33.32 Drew Guercin
10 4 3 1:26.03 John MacDonald
- 4wd Short Truck Mod -
Car-> __1__ __2__ __3__ __4__ __5__ __6__ __7__ __8__ __9__ __0__
1 2/27.2 5/33.9 8/35.8 6/35.0 4/31.2 9/43.9 7/35.8 1/25.9 3/28.3
2 2/25.0 5/23.5 7/25.3 6/25.1 3/23.4 0/56.5 9/ 8/ 1/24.1 4/27.0
3 2/23.7 5/24.3 6/23.7 7/25.8 1/20.8 8/23.9 9/37.5 0/ 3/28.5 4/23.5
4 2/25.6 5/26.3 6/26.3 7/ 1/22.9 8/30.2 9/31.0 0/ 4/23.7 3/23.5
5 3/25.0 5/23.9 6/24.2 8/ 4/29.7 7/29.1 9/ 0/ 2/22.6 1/22.3
6 3/23.1 5/24.3 6/24.6 9/ 4/22.9 7/ 8/34.8 0/30.4 1/21.8 2/23.7
7 3/25.4 4/24.5 5/23.7 9/ 6/ 7/36.1 8/31.5 0/ 1/22.0 2/22.2
8 3/21.6 4/24.1 5/ 9/ 6/52.4 7/35.9 8/ 0/ 1/22.5 2/22.5
9 3/23.5 4/31.2 6/ 9/ 5/21.8 7/ 8/35.5 0/52.4 1/21.8 2/23.6
10 3/25.0 4/ 6/58.1 9/ 5/21.3 7/31.4 8/ 0/ 1/24.0 2/23.0
11 3/22.1 5/35.2 6/22.9 9/ 4/22.8 7/23.3 8/53.4 0/ 1/22.3 2/23.1
12 3/25.7 5/26.0 6/30.4 9/ 4/22.1 7/28.8 8/ 0/ 1/23.2 2/22.4
13 3/24.6 5/24.9 6/24.5 0/ 4/23.0 7/25.5 8/37.4 9/14.5 1/21.5 2/21.9
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
laps 13 12 11 3 12 10 8 4 13 13
time 318.2 322.5 319.9 86.0 314.9 321.1 305.2 333.3 304.5 307.4
The form of the reconstructed race lap times is position/lap time
The blank lap time is when the car was lapped
-- 4wd Short Truck Mod - C Main --
Pos Car Laps time name
-- 1 --- DNS --- Chris Corsaro
-- 2 --- DNS --- Vinny Taormina
-- 5 --- DNS --- Jake Bedell
-- 4 --- DNS --- JJ Bresett
Best Heat Lap/Time for 1/10 Stadium Truck:
John Wazirmus with 13/5:04.94
-- 1/10 Stadium Truck - A Main --
Pos Car Laps time name
1 3 13 5:12.27 Thomas Hartensveld
2 7 13 5:17.88 Matt Stefans
3 1 13 5:19.45 John Wazirmus
4 8 12 5:09.44 Donnie Bedell
5 4 12 5:10.59 Dave Lemin
6 2 11 5:22.82 Scott Salzer
7 0 11 5:26.03 Bob O'Sullivan
8 9 11 5:26.68 Erick Bustillos
9 6 11 5:30.47 Dave Garcia
10 5 10 5:00.77 Don Greenwood Jr.
- 1/10 Stadium Truck -
Car-> __1__ __2__ __3__ __4__ __5__ __6__ __7__ __8__ __9__ __0__
1 3/28.5 1/25.2 9/41.7 8/39.8 4/30.2 2/26.1 5/30.9 6/32.3 7/39.2
2 3/23.0 0/54.6 1/22.9 9/23.6 8/24.7 5/26.0 2/24.6 4/22.9 7/31.3 6/23.6
3 2/22.3 0/29.2 3/28.3 8/23.9 9/ 5/27.0 1/22.5 4/24.5 7/25.0 6/25.4
4 2/24.8 0/22.7 3/22.5 7/26.7 9/35.4 5/26.5 1/23.2 4/24.8 6/26.0 8/28.9
5 3/26.4 0/23.9 2/21.7 6/23.7 9/23.4 5/24.9 1/22.3 4/24.4 8/ 7/23.4
6 3/23.6 0/22.9 1/23.1 6/23.1 8/22.9 5/25.6 2/26.1 4/23.9 9/37.9 7/24.5
7 3/23.0 9/24.6 1/22.4 5/23.2 8/30.9 6/26.3 2/23.4 4/23.5 0/27.5 7/22.8
8 2/23.9 8/23.5 1/22.5 5/24.7 0/29.2 6/ 3/30.4 4/29.5 9/25.4 7/
9 3/28.2 8/23.8 1/22.7 5/24.2 0/26.5 7/38.2 2/23.0 4/24.2 9/24.9 6/36.2
10 3/22.6 9/ 1/23.7 5/ 0/ 7/32.3 2/22.9 4/27.4 8/27.2 6/31.5
11 3/23.9 9/33.2 1/22.7 5/25.1 0/31.2 7/ 2/22.9 4/ 8/ 6/
12 3/23.3 9/40.2 1/30.9 4/24.1 0/36.3 7/32.2 2/25.7 5/28.9 6/30.4 8/35.2
13 3/25.3 6/23.7 1/22.9 5/26.0 0/ 9/40.8 2/24.2 4/24.0 8/38.1 7/34.9
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
laps 13 11 13 12 10 11 13 12 11 11
time 319.4 322.8 312.2 310.5 300.7 330.4 317.8 309.4 326.6 326.0
The form of the reconstructed race lap times is position/lap time
The blank lap time is when the car was lapped
-- 1/10 Stadium Truck - B Main --
Pos Car Laps time name
1 3 12 5:07.12 Erick Bustillos
2 2 12 5:11.09 Bob O'Sullivan
3 1 10 5:01.50 JJ Bresett
-- 4 --- DNS --- Matt Stefans
- 1/10 Stadium Truck -
Car-> __1__ __2__ __3__ __4__ __5__ __6__ __7__ __8__ __9__ __0__
1 3/32.1 2/30.2 1/27.6
2 3/33.1 2/25.6 1/25.9
3 3/25.0 2/22.9 1/24.1
4 3/29.6 2/28.6 1/24.0
5 3/30.3 2/23.1 1/26.2
6 3/ 2/24.2 1/24.3
7 3/27.3 2/23.3 1/25.1
8 3/36.9 1/23.1 2/29.1
9 3/31.0 2/34.5 1/27.5
10 3/26.2 2/22.9 1/24.5
11 3/29.6 1/23.2 2/24.2
12 3/ 2/28.8 1/24.0
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
laps 10 12 12
time 301.4 311.0 307.1
The form of the reconstructed race lap times is position/lap time
The blank lap time is when the car was lapped
Best Heat Lap/Time for 1/10 4wd Mod Buggy:
Chris Conklin with 14/5:12.57
-- 1/10 4wd Mod Buggy - A Main --
Pos Car Laps time name
1 1 14 5:11.20 Chris Conklin
2 3 12 5:11.63 Drew Guercin
3 2 12 5:14.91 Randy Chiappetta
- 1/10 4wd Mod Buggy -
Car-> __1__ __2__ __3__ __4__ __5__ __6__ __7__ __8__ __9__ __0__
1 1/22.9 2/29.3 3/30.4
2 1/24.6 3/35.2 2/24.3
3 1/21.6 3/27.9 2/30.1
4 1/25.0 3/ 2/23.8
5 1/20.7 3/26.9 2/23.9
6 1/22.0 3/23.1 2/23.2
7 1/21.3 3/26.0 2/
8 1/22.4 3/22.6 2/25.1
9 1/21.5 3/28.2 2/33.3
10 1/21.9 3/22.4 2/23.6
11 1/21.8 3/23.9 2/23.5
12 1/22.1 2/21.7 3/26.0
13 1/21.5 2/ 3/
14 1/21.1 3/27.2 2/23.7
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
laps 14 12 12
time 311.2 314.9 311.6
The form of the reconstructed race lap times is position/lap time
The blank lap time is when the car was lapped
Best Heat Lap/Time for 1/8 Buggy Electric:
Toby Hamson with 15/5:07.39
-- 1/8 Buggy Electric - A Main --
Pos Car Laps time name
1 9 23 8:13.88 John Wazirmus
2 7 22 8:02.52 Robert Koby
3 4 22 8:07.21 Cameron Winslow
4 6 22 8:09.13 Mark Stern
5 1 22 8:22.62 Toby Hamson
6 5 21 8:17.45 Vinny Taormina
7 0 21 8:19.86 Donnie Bedell
8 2 18 6:39.08 Dave Lemin
9 8 17 8:06.30 Greg Capriglione
-- 3 --- DNS --- Tony Russo
- 1/8 Buggy Electric -
Car-> __1__ __2__ __3__ __4__ __5__ __6__ __7__ __8__ __9__ __0__
1 1/21.5 6/25.7 7/26.6 3/24.1 5/25.4 2/23.2 8/31.7 9/36.5 4/24.7
2 1/19.7 5/25.4 4/23.0 6/27.2 3/23.7 2/20.3 9/26.0 8/20.7 7/30.5
3 1/21.5 5/20.7 4/19.9 6/22.1 3/20.2 2/21.5 9/ 8/19.8 7/20.9
4 1/19.3 5/24.2 6/27.4 4/20.2 3/22.3 2/19.6 9/30.2 8/21.1 7/21.3
5 1/24.9 5/20.9 4/19.5 7/27.1 3/20.3 2/23.3 9/32.5 6/19.8 8/24.4
6 1/21.1 6/31.9 7/33.1 5/27.5 2/19.6 3/25.8 9/29.4 4/20.0 8/28.6
7 2/25.0 6/19.9 7/19.9 5/20.0 1/21.0 3/21.6 9/24.5 4/19.5 8/
8 2/22.2 7/23.4 5/20.6 6/22.2 1/22.2 3/21.0 9/ 4/19.7 8/28.0
9 4/30.5 6/20.1 7/22.8 5/20.4 2/23.0 3/23.6 9/29.0 1/20.1 8/22.4
10 4/19.7 5/20.7 6/23.7 7/ 2/20.5 3/21.8 9/22.8 1/19.8 8/22.4
11 4/21.5 5/19.4 6/20.5 8/35.4 2/24.6 3/21.8 9/24.0 1/22.1 7/21.8
12 5/29.6 4/20.3 6/20.0 8/21.0 3/23.1 2/20.4 9/22.3 1/19.7 7/20.4
13 6/ 4/19.8 5/21.1 8/23.9 3/22.9 2/23.9 9/23.3 1/19.8 7/21.2
14 6/23.4 4/20.5 5/ 8/26.0 3/21.1 2/21.2 9/ 1/20.5 7/19.1
15 6/34.1 4/21.7 5/25.7 8/20.1 3/22.8 2/20.0 9/30.8 1/21.1 7/31.0
16 6/19.3 4/20.1 5/19.0 7/22.2 3/21.0 2/20.1 9/29.5 1/19.8 8/23.1
17 6/19.3 3/23.5 5/19.2 7/ 4/28.0 2/19.9 9/ 1/20.6 8/
18 6/19.0 3/19.9 5/20.5 8/24.8 4/22.4 2/20.8 9/39.7 1/26.9 7/22.8
19 6/21.0 4/ 5/23.9 8/20.7 3/20.5 2/19.3 9/27.0 1/19.9 7/21.9
20 5/20.1 6/ 4/18.7 7/21.0 3/21.2 2/27.1 9/ 1/22.1 8/22.0
21 5/18.6 8/ 4/21.4 6/27.0 3/20.1 2/25.6 9/31.9 1/21.2 7/28.9
22 5/22.8 8/ 4/20.5 6/21.8 3/ 2/19.5 9/30.8 1/22.0 7/22.2
23 5/27.5 8/ 3/19.1 6/21.6 4/22.1 2/ 9/ 1/20.1 7/21.2
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
laps 22 18 22 21 22 22 17 23 21
time 502.6 399.0 487.2 497.4 489.1 482.5 486.3 493.8 499.8
The form of the reconstructed race lap times is position/lap time
The blank lap time is when the car was lapped
-- 1/8 Buggy Electric - B Main --
Pos Car Laps time name
1 6 15 5:14.24 John Wazirmus
2 2 13 5:16.90 Donnie Bedell
3 3 11 5:17.57 Brian Currey
4 4 10 5:14.25 Tom Jackson
5 1 5 2:18.02 Brian Carey
-- 5 --- DNS --- Jay Zellner
- 1/8 Buggy Electric -
Car-> __1__ __2__ __3__ __4__ __5__ __6__ __7__ __8__ __9__ __0__
1 3/25.2 4/35.4 5/42.4 2/24.4 1/23.4
2 3/31.5 4/ 5/ 2/25.4 1/20.3
3 2/20.9 4/29.9 5/25.6 3/33.9 1/21.0
4 2/ 4/20.5 5/35.8 3/ 1/19.9
5 3/30.9 2/20.1 5/ 4/40.4 1/20.7
6 3/29.3 2/28.6 5/29.8 4/ 1/20.3
7 3/ 2/21.4 5/ 4/31.1 1/20.5
8 3/ 2/20.8 5/35.2 4/ 1/21.0
9 5/ 2/23.0 4/25.3 3/36.5 1/20.5
10 5/ 2/25.5 3/23.1 4/32.2 1/20.8
11 5/ 2/22.6 3/22.9 4/ 1/20.3
12 5/ 2/ 3/23.4 4/32.4 1/21.0
13 5/ 2/24.0 3/25.8 4/29.6 1/21.1
14 5/ 2/24.1 3/ 4/ 1/20.4
15 5/ 2/20.3 3/27.7 4/27.9 1/22.3
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
laps 5 13 11 10 15
time 138.0 316.8 317.5 314.2 314.2
The form of the reconstructed race lap times is position/lap time
The blank lap time is when the car was lapped
Best Heat Lap/Time for Novice Off-Road:
Matt Salzer with 10/5:00.86
-- Novice Off-Road - A Main --
Pos Car Laps time name
1 1 11 5:26.29 Matt Salzer
2 4 10 5:22.31 Trevor O.
3 2 10 5:30.60 Brandon Capriglione
4 3 9 5:24.15 Alexis Chiappetta
-- 5 --- DNS --- Chris Corsaro
- Novice Off-Road -
Car-> __1__ __2__ __3__ __4__ __5__ __6__ __7__ __8__ __9__ __0__
1 1/32.1 4/38.2 2/33.0 3/34.4
2 1/28.7 3/33.9 4/43.7 2/33.0
3 1/29.0 3/31.7 4/31.6 2/30.0
4 1/28.1 3/29.0 4/29.3 2/30.0
5 1/29.2 3/29.7 4/35.8 2/32.1
6 1/29.5 3/26.8 4/ 2/27.0
7 1/29.3 3/41.7 4/39.2 2/37.1
8 1/29.3 3/30.0 4/35.0 2/31.3
9 1/27.2 3/ 4/37.0 2/30.5
10 1/31.0 3/35.2 4/39.1 2/36.5
11 1/32.5 3/33.8 4/ 2/
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
laps 11 10 9 10
time 326.2 330.5 324.1 322.3
The form of the reconstructed race lap times is position/lap time
The blank lap time is when the car was lapped
Best Heat Lap/Time for 1/10 Open Oval:
Mark Stern with 24/5:03.36
-- 1/10 Open Oval - A Main --
Pos Car Laps time name
1 2 24 5:08.62 Tony Gallis
2 6 24 5:10.87 Dave Stefans
3 5 23 5:06.64 Don Greenwood Jr.
4 4 23 5:07.20 Vinny Taormina
5 1 23 5:11.07 Mark Stern
6 3 23 5:36.66 Nick Malinoski
7 9 20 5:10.88 Bob O'Sullivan
8 8 19 5:24.52 Brandon Capriglione
9 0 19 5:27.56 Dave Pepe
10 7 7 1:47.31 Darren Chenong
- 1/10 Open Oval -
Car-> __1__ __2__ __3__ __4__ __5__ __6__ __7__ __8__ __9__ __0__
1 1/10.5 9/18.3 2/11.0 3/12.3 0/20.1 4/12.6 5/12.9 8/15.2 6/14.4 7/14.6
2 0/24.0 8/13.0 1/12.4 2/12.6 9/12.0 3/12.7 4/13.0 7/15.4 5/12.2 6/12.2
3 0/12.3 7/13.0 1/12.4 2/12.8 8/13.3 3/12.9 6/16.0 9/15.2 4/12.9 5/12.7
4 8/14.4 6/12.7 1/12.7 2/12.7 7/15.5 3/12.6 0/ 9/15.5 5/14.6 4/12.5
5 7/13.4 5/13.1 1/14.0 2/13.1 6/13.0 3/13.4 0/21.8 9/ 4/12.7 8/
6 7/12.4 4/12.3 1/13.5 2/13.2 6/12.6 3/13.4 8/13.2 0/20.5 5/18.4 9/26.1
7 6/12.4 4/12.5 1/12.6 3/15.7 5/12.0 2/14.2 9/17.6 0/16.3 7/ 8/14.6
8 6/13.1 4/12.4 1/12.9 3/13.0 5/12.6 2/12.5 9/12.5 0/16.3 7/16.4 8/12.9
9 6/12.2 4/12.4 1/14.1 3/12.8 5/12.6 2/12.5 9/ 0/ 7/14.7 8/21.9
10 6/12.4 4/12.7 1/12.8 3/12.5 5/12.6 2/12.4 0/ 9/14.7 7/13.2 8/13.0
11 6/ 4/12.3 1/12.7 3/13.2 5/12.4 2/12.7 0/ 9/19.1 7/12.4 8/
12 6/20.5 4/12.7 1/12.8 3/13.2 5/12.7 2/13.6 0/ 9/15.4 7/20.7 8/13.8
13 6/13.0 3/12.4 1/12.6 4/14.6 5/12.5 2/12.7 0/ 9/15.9 7/ 8/14.6
14 6/12.7 3/12.3 2/14.4 4/12.5 5/14.1 1/12.3 0/ 9/ 8/24.2 7/15.0
15 6/12.2 3/12.4 2/13.0 4/12.9 5/12.9 1/12.5 0/ 9/15.6 7/12.6 8/
16 6/12.4 3/12.6 2/12.4 4/13.3 5/15.3 1/12.6 0/ 8/15.9 7/ 9/33.1
17 6/12.6 3/12.3 2/12.4 4/12.9 5/12.3 1/12.5 0/ 8/15.3 7/23.8 9/
18 6/13.2 3/12.7 2/12.5 4/16.7 5/13.8 1/12.9 0/ 8/16.3 7/12.1 9/23.6
19 6/12.3 3/12.6 2/12.5 4/12.8 5/12.4 1/12.4 0/ 8/ 7/ 9/12.8
20 6/12.8 3/12.3 2/13.1 4/12.4 5/12.2 1/12.4 0/ 8/21.3 7/24.2 9/12.2
21 6/12.5 2/12.9 3/14.4 4/12.8 5/12.6 1/12.5 0/ 8/14.2 7/12.5 9/13.2
22 6/12.2 2/12.2 5/23.2 3/14.1 4/13.0 1/12.4 0/ 8/16.6 7/12.1 9/
23 6/12.7 2/12.6 5/ 4/14.0 3/13.0 1/13.9 0/ 8/ 7/12.3 9/17.4
24 5/13.5 1/12.7 6/40.9 4/ 3/ 2/15.1 0/ 8/28.8 7/13.5 9/30.3
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
laps 23 24 23 23 23 24 7 19 20 19
time 311.0 308.6 336.6 307.2 306.6 310.8 107.3 324.5 310.8 327.5
The form of the reconstructed race lap times is position/lap time
The blank lap time is when the car was lapped
Best Heat Lap/Time for 2wd Short Truck Mod:
John Wazirmus with 13/5:08.66
-- 2wd Short Truck Mod - A Main --
Pos Car Laps time name
1 1 6 2:23.69 John Wazirmus
2 3 5 2:19.76 Darren Chenong
-- 2 --- DNS --- Thomas Hartensveld
- 2wd Short Truck Mod -
Car-> __1__ __2__ __3__ __4__ __5__ __6__ __7__ __8__ __9__ __0__
1 1/28.1 2/29.6
2 1/23.2 2/25.7
3 1/23.0 2/33.4
4 1/23.0 2/24.0
5 1/24.0 2/26.8
6 1/22.1 2/
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
laps 6 5
time 143.6 139.7
The form of the reconstructed race lap times is position/lap time
The blank lap time is when the car was lapped
Best Heat Lap/Time for 1/8 Truggy Off-Road:
Jay Zellner with 16/5:08.16
-- 1/8 Truggy Off-Road - A Main --
Pos Car Laps time name
1 1 25 8:27.21 Jay Zellner
2 8 23 8:23.48 Cameron Winslow
3 2 23 8:26.06 Mark Stern
4 3 22 8:34.64 JJ Bresett
5 5 20 8:10.87 Carl Jobson
6 6 19 8:01.53 Brian Currey
7 4 16 5:48.65 Troy Pila
-- 7 --- DNS --- Tom Jackson
- 1/8 Truggy Off-Road -
Car-> __1__ __2__ __3__ __4__ __5__ __6__ __7__ __8__ __9__ __0__
1 1/17.6 2/18.6 3/19.9 4/20.3 5/24.5 6/27.0 7/27.4
2 1/18.8 2/20.8 5/30.5 3/21.3 7/28.9 6/24.7 4/21.4
3 1/19.6 2/21.1 5/ 3/21.7 7/ 6/ 4/26.4
4 1/19.8 2/22.0 6/27.5 3/21.6 5/23.0 7/37.4 4/
5 1/19.2 2/21.4 5/20.4 3/22.0 6/24.4 7/21.8 4/20.6
6 1/19.2 2/20.7 5/23.6 3/21.2 6/22.6 7/21.7 4/25.3
7 1/20.7 2/21.3 5/23.4 3/21.6 6/21.9 7/ 4/21.5
8 1/19.2 2/23.5 4/21.3 3/21.2 6/23.2 7/24.4 5/25.7
9 1/19.3 2/21.2 4/21.0 3/20.6 6/ 7/23.7 5/20.8
10 1/18.8 2/ 5/23.1 3/ 6/24.9 7/26.3 4/19.3
11 1/19.2 2/22.2 5/ 3/22.4 6/29.3 7/ 4/19.1
12 1/19.4 2/20.7 5/25.8 3/24.2 6/22.9 7/27.5 4/20.1
13 1/19.3 2/24.7 5/21.1 3/21.3 6/23.6 7/28.7 4/19.9
14 1/18.8 2/20.8 5/21.0 3/24.0 6/ 7/ 4/
15 1/18.7 2/20.4 5/19.9 3/21.3 6/24.9 7/25.8 4/21.1
16 1/19.1 2/20.6 5/20.3 3/ 6/27.6 7/21.6 4/19.3
17 1/21.2 2/21.4 5/20.5 4/27.5 6/21.0 7/22.0 3/19.1
18 1/21.6 2/20.3 5/21.0 4/15.7 6/26.4 7/23.9 3/20.1
19 1/27.0 2/21.8 4/20.5 5/ 6/22.2 7/26.2 3/23.0
20 1/19.6 2/21.2 4/26.4 5/ 6/ 7/21.3 3/21.2
21 1/19.7 2/21.8 4/20.7 7/ 5/25.7 6/21.0 3/20.3
22 1/18.2 2/23.0 4/20.5 7/ 5/20.3 6/ 3/19.8
23 1/19.2 2/ 4/21.1 7/ 5/30.5 6/29.8 3/26.2
24 1/20.5 2/28.2 4/ 7/ 5/22.3 6/25.8 3/21.1
25 1/32.1 3/27.1 4/44.2 7/ 5/ 6/ 2/23.6
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
laps 25 23 22 16 20 19 23
time 507.2 506.0 514.6 348.6 490.8 481.5 503.4
The form of the reconstructed race lap times is position/lap time
The blank lap time is when the car was lapped
Best Heat Lap/Time for MudBoss Slash:
Jake Bedell with 26/5:04.44
-- MudBoss Slash - A Main --
Pos Car Laps time name
1 3 27 5:07.49 Chris Conklin
2 4 27 5:10.23 Nick Mainoski
3 5 27 5:10.54 Jay Zellner
4 1 26 5:08.34 Jake Bedell
5 2 25 5:03.85 Darren Chenong
-- 6 --- DNS --- Erick Bustillos
- MudBoss Slash -
Car-> __1__ __2__ __3__ __4__ __5__ __6__ __7__ __8__ __9__ __0__
1 1/ 9.5 2/10.4 3/10.9 4/11.7 5/12.2
2 1/11.4 2/11.5 5/14.8 3/11.6 4/11.4
3 1/11.1 2/11.5 5/11.1 3/11.1 4/11.4
4 1/11.4 2/11.3 5/10.9 3/11.0 4/11.4
5 1/11.2 2/11.5 5/11.1 3/10.9 4/11.1
6 1/11.1 3/12.0 5/10.9 2/11.2 4/11.7
7 1/11.3 5/14.2 3/11.2 2/11.0 4/12.1
8 1/11.1 5/11.3 3/11.1 2/11.0 4/11.2
9 1/11.1 4/12.4 2/11.3 5/19.1 3/11.8
10 1/11.3 4/11.7 2/11.2 5/11.2 3/11.2
11 1/11.2 4/12.1 2/11.3 5/11.1 3/11.1
12 1/11.3 4/11.9 2/11.4 5/11.2 3/11.7
13 1/11.2 5/11.6 2/10.9 4/11.0 3/11.3
14 1/11.3 5/ 2/11.2 4/11.0 3/11.5
15 1/11.6 5/17.1 2/11.0 4/11.0 3/11.1
16 1/11.5 5/11.6 2/11.2 4/11.2 3/11.2
17 1/11.0 5/11.8 2/11.3 4/11.0 3/11.9
18 3/18.3 5/11.3 1/11.7 4/11.1 2/11.3
19 4/11.8 5/11.5 1/11.0 3/11.2 2/11.5
20 4/11.5 5/11.9 1/11.3 3/11.0 2/11.3
21 4/11.4 5/12.1 1/11.2 3/10.9 2/11.6
22 4/17.4 5/12.5 1/11.0 3/11.0 2/11.4
23 4/ 5/11.7 1/11.4 3/11.2 2/11.3
24 4/12.4 5/12.0 1/11.7 3/11.4 2/11.2
25 4/11.7 5/14.0 1/11.4 3/11.3 2/11.3
26 4/11.6 5/11.7 1/11.2 2/11.1 3/11.4
27 4/11.3 5/ 1/11.5 2/11.4 3/11.7
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
laps 26 25 27 27 27
time 308.3 303.8 307.4 310.2 310.5
The form of the reconstructed race lap times is position/lap time
The blank lap time is when the car was lapped
Best Heat Lap/Time for 1/8 Buggy Nitro O.R.:
Toby Hamson with 15/5:14.00
-- 1/8 Buggy Nitro O.R. - A Main --
Pos Car Laps time name
1 1 14 5:15.92 Toby Hamson
2 2 13 5:00.32 Troy Pila
3 3 12 5:19.78 Carl Jobson
- 1/8 Buggy Nitro O.R. -
Car-> __1__ __2__ __3__ __4__ __5__ __6__ __7__ __8__ __9__ __0__
1 2/20.8 1/19.6 3/22.0
2 2/22.8 1/21.8 3/27.8
3 1/19.9 2/26.7 3/21.6
4 1/22.1 2/20.8 3/30.3
5 1/19.8 2/20.5 3/23.8
6 1/22.7 2/21.2 3/
7 2/24.5 1/21.0 3/29.0
8 1/26.8 2/34.1 3/23.2
9 1/26.5 2/25.2 3/35.2
10 1/23.3 2/21.3 3/22.6
11 1/19.7 2/23.9 3/27.4
12 1/24.8 2/22.4 3/29.4
13 1/20.2 2/21.1 3/
14 1/21.4 2/ 3/26.9
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
laps 14 13 12
time 315.9 300.3 319.7
The form of the reconstructed race lap times is position/lap time
The blank lap time is when the car was lapped
Best Heat Lap/Time for 1/8 Elect Late Model:
Mark Stern with 29/5:07.52
-- 1/8 Elect Late Model - A Main --
Pos Car Laps time name
1 1 30 5:08.42 Mark Stern
2 2 29 5:04.58 Chris Conklin
3 4 27 5:02.26 Brian Carey
4 3 1 0:18.62 JJ Bresett
- 1/8 Elect Late Model -
Car-> __1__ __2__ __3__ __4__ __5__ __6__ __7__ __8__ __9__ __0__
1 1/10.2 2/11.0 4/18.6 3/11.3
2 1/10.4 2/10.0 4/ 3/10.6
3 1/10.7 3/12.0 4/ 2/ 9.9
4 1/ 9.8 3/10.7 4/ 2/10.6
5 1/10.2 3/10.0 4/ 2/10.5
6 1/10.4 2/10.2 4/ 3/11.4
7 1/10.1 2/10.1 4/ 3/10.8
8 1/10.3 2/ 9.9 4/ 3/10.9
9 1/ 9.9 2/10.0 4/ 3/10.3
10 1/10.4 2/10.0 4/ 3/11.9
11 1/ 9.8 2/ 9.9 4/ 3/10.3
12 1/10.9 2/10.0 4/ 3/11.6
13 1/10.0 2/10.0 4/ 3/10.4
14 1/ 9.8 2/10.0 4/ 3/10.7
15 1/10.2 2/10.6 4/ 3/10.1
16 1/10.5 2/10.0 4/ 3/10.9
17 1/ 9.9 2/17.7 4/ 3/
18 1/10.4 2/10.5 4/ 3/11.9
19 1/10.1 2/ 9.9 4/ 3/15.8
20 1/10.3 2/10.3 4/ 3/10.8
21 1/10.1 2/10.0 4/ 3/10.3
22 1/10.1 2/10.1 4/ 3/10.8
23 1/10.2 2/10.1 4/ 3/11.2
24 1/ 9.9 2/10.1 4/ 3/11.2
25 1/10.7 2/ 9.9 4/ 3/10.3
26 1/ 9.8 2/ 9.9 4/ 3/
27 1/10.2 2/10.2 4/ 3/14.4
28 1/10.4 2/10.0 4/ 3/11.4
29 1/10.6 2/10.2 4/ 3/10.4
30 1/10.6 2/ 4/ 3/
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
laps 30 29 1 27
time 308.4 304.5 18.6 302.2
The form of the reconstructed race lap times is position/lap time
The blank lap time is when the car was lapped
Best Heat Lap/Time for 1/8 Nitro Late Model:
Toby Hamson with 29/5:01.20
-- 1/8 Nitro Late Model - A Main --
Pos Car Laps time name
1 1 28 5:05.05 Toby Hamson
2 3 27 4:54.51 Jay Zellner
3 2 11 2:16.56 Troy Pila
- 1/8 Nitro Late Model -
Car-> __1__ __2__ __3__ __4__ __5__ __6__ __7__ __8__ __9__ __0__
1 1/11.5 2/13.2 3/13.4
2 1/10.3 3/15.2 2/11.1
3 1/10.0 3/11.7 2/10.6
4 1/10.2 3/11.9 2/10.1
5 1/10.9 3/11.3 2/10.2
6 1/10.7 3/ 2/10.1
7 1/10.5 3/12.1 2/ 9.9
8 1/10.7 3/15.6 2/11.5
9 1/10.5 3/11.0 2/10.9
10 1/10.1 3/11.2 2/10.6
11 1/10.3 3/11.1 2/ 9.8
12 1/10.7 3/11.6 2/10.3
13 1/10.5 3/ 2/10.1
14 1/11.2 3/ 2/ 9.7
15 1/10.7 3/ 2/10.9
16 1/11.5 3/ 2/14.4
17 1/12.8 3/ 2/10.4
18 2/11.6 3/ 1/10.2
19 1/11.6 3/ 2/12.0
20 2/10.7 3/ 1/10.1
21 2/ 9.8 3/ 1/ 9.9
22 2/12.3 3/ 1/12.1
23 2/10.3 3/ 1/10.7
24 2/12.9 3/ 1/12.6
25 2/ 9.9 3/ 1/ 9.8
26 2/ 9.8 3/ 1/ 9.9
27 1/10.7 3/ 2/11.9
28 1/11.1 3/ 2/
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
laps 28 11 27
time 305.0 136.5 294.5
The form of the reconstructed race lap times is position/lap time
The blank lap time is when the car was lapped